Pathologic 3: Quarantine Walkthrough — Guide to All Achievements

Pathologic 3: Quarantine — is a kind of demo for the third part, released as a standalone prologue game. It is available completely free. The game is full of new mechanics and medical puzzles, which can be challenging to figure out at first. In this guide, we will cover the main stages of the walkthrough, as well as describe in detail how to obtain all achievements.

Act 1: Capital

The game starts in the Capital. First, you need to talk to the people standing by the window. Then you will be transported to another location — you will need to talk to a volunteer and move along the path, lighting bonfires (use the G key to throw a lit match). The fire will scare off the plague monster.

When you reach the train, enter the open wagon. When you step outside, the first cutscene will begin.

Once in the laboratory, carefully examine the tables. Use the Q key to highlight points of interest and try to interact with everything. This is necessary to eventually obtain the achievement “Tools of the Trade”.

In one of the drawers, you will find a revolver, and on the table to the right — a letter from Isidor Burakh. Picking it up will earn you the achievement “Letter Out of the Bottle”.

After that, talk to the main character's colleagues, Platon and Serafima. Exit into the corridor, go to the end, and use the revolver to scare people. You do not need to pull the trigger, use the right mouse button. This way you can pass through the far door.

The next character is the Inspector. Talk to him, you can choose any answers. Then open the thought map (J key). Reading everything is not necessary to continue the game.

Continue the dialogue until a cutscene starts. Completing the first act will earn you the achievement “Tick”.

Act 2: Hospital

The second act begins in the theater-hospital. Here, if you want to immediately get another achievement, freeze and do nothing. The hero will die from apathy, and you will receive the achievement “Acedia”.

Then talk to the Tragic, who will give several items — tobacco, camphor, bormid, and strychnine. They need to be used to reduce the level of apathy. If not done, you will not be able to participate in dialogues.

Go up to the stage and talk to the assistant Dot — he will hand over three medical cases for Lyuta, Shura, and Filat. Talk to the Haruspex (Artemy Burakh). Don't forget to press Q and interact with the surroundings, especially the broken microscope on the table and the patients.

Go around the stage on the right to find trolleys, beds, and a gramophone. Interact with the gramophone to get the achievement “Richard and Linda”. The action algorithm is as follows: turn on the device, continue listening to it until the mania bar fills up. When the character dies from overload, you will receive the achievement “Too Many Thoughts”.

The second is a man, Shchur. It's worth examining his legs and torso, where there will be yellowing of the skin and peeling. Then you need to interview him. It will turn out that the colored spots on the skin are traces of paint. Therefore, in the tablet, indicate only two symptoms: frequent heartbeat and eczema. The correct diagnosis is Burning.

Before examining the last patient, Filat, you can reduce the level of apathy by listening to the gramophone. After examining him, note the redness on the torso and blackened veins on the legs. During the interview, the patient's words will contradict the symptoms, so the Bachelor will conclude that a home inspection is necessary.

Exit the theater. When the city map opens, find the Tannery district. That's where we're headed. On the way, you will have to pass through an infected area. There, talk to the Impostress, then move along the road and turn into the courtyard on the left, where you will find her again, but it's actually a double. After talking to her, you will receive the achievement “Trio and a Half”.

As you move through the plague-ridden streets, use a special device — the Prototype to remove the black mist. Along the way, you may encounter infected people lying on the ground. They need to be euthanized. Your task is to administer the drugs correctly so they die without pain. It's better not to use morphine, choose milder drugs instead. The main thing is to keep the scale in the marked zone. This is not mandatory, but if you ease the fate of at least one patient, you will receive the achievement “Fleeting Seconds”.

After exiting the infected area, you will meet a janitor. To his right are the gates leading to the Slaughterhouse. Press Q to see the Bachelor's thoughts and receive the achievement “The Inspector Is Not Coming”.

Now go to Filat's house. First, talk to his neighbor; she will give you the key to Filat's apartment. Then inspect the patient's dwelling. Hold Q to find points of interest: rotten food on the table, a mousetrap under the window, a package of pills on the nightstand, and compresses on the bed. The collected clues will help clarify the patient's symptoms. You can do this with the boy, who, as it turns out, lives with the infected person.

Returning to the hospital, talk to the Brides on the bulls and ask them for animal blood to receive the achievement Quod Licet Iovi, Non Licet Bovi. Then enter the theater, talk to Filat, and then mark a series of symptoms in the tablet: fever, headache, hydrophobia, skin redness, memory lapses, bulimia, weakness, and loss of coordination. Just for this, you will receive the achievement “Calm Down, I'm a Doctor”. The correct diagnosis is murine fever.

If all three diagnoses were made correctly, the achievement Medicum Morbo Adhibere will unlock. Completing the second act will bring the achievement “Thus”.

Act 3: Abyss and Finale

Pass through the arch, and when the map opens, find the Abyss on it. Set a route there. On the way, you'll enter a district where the residents are rioting. Here, you'll have to use the revolver to scare people off, just like in the first act. You can't shoot, or you'll quickly die from apathy. Just aim so that the hostile NPCs raise their hands, and run past them.

Once you reach the marked house, enter inside. On the table behind Eva, you'll find tools — interact with them. Talk to Eva, then head outside. It's quite possible that you'll be raised on pitchforks there, after which you'll wake up in the Abyss. You'll need to talk to Eva again.

Go upstairs and talk to the boy, then interact with the decree board. Remove the quarantine decree (press Z). Here, the achievement “Tools of the Trade” might trigger if you examined:

  • the entire Dankovsky's laboratory in the capital (things on the table, butterflies, suitcase, board, etc.);
  • the microscope in the hospital;
  • all characters in the hospital;
  • Clara, corpses, overseers, dying people in the infected area;
  • the table on the first floor with Eva Yan;
  • the table, map on the second floor (if you can't examine the table on the second floor while Matchstick is sitting there, just issue the laws and wait for the table to clear).

Afterwards, talk to the suddenly appearing Khan and go outside. Here, you'll have an encounter with the Plague. When the dialogue ends, return inside and use the clock to the right of the board — it will allow you to travel back in time. This is where Pathologic 3: Quarantine ends, and you'll receive the final achievement “Current?..”.


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