Ready or Not developers became victims of hackers — over four terabytes of data were stolen

The studio behind the first-person shooter Ready or Not lost more than four terabytes of data due to a hacker attack. For comparison, the volume of the sensational leak from Insomniac Games was only one and a half terabytes.

According to Insider Gaming, a group of hackers reported the hack in March, demanding a ransom. The stolen data includes Ready or Not source code, console builds of the game, and performance test results. In total, Void Interactive has lost over two million files related to the shooter.

The personal data of users and staff was not affected by the leak. The studio has not yet responded to the hackers' demands and continues to investigate.

Let us remind you that the tactical shooter about special forces, Ready or Not, left early access in December last year. The game was warmly received by players; its rating on Steam now stands at 88%.

Previously, we talked about leaked animations and models of an early version of Half-Life.

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