Baldur's Gate 3 fans surprised by rare discovery made after 1,700 hours of play

A player with the nickname Alicex13 shared his rare find on Reddit, which he discovered after 1,700 hours spent in Baldur's Gate 3. It turns out that not all fans knew that a character from the first act can return in the third in a completely unexpected guise.

Even those who did not complete the game to the end probably encountered a squad of githyanki led by Voss in the first act. This meeting is mandatory, and it is impossible to avoid it. Voss himself stands out not only for his manners, but also for his mount — a huge red dragon named Kudenos, a fight with which frayed the nerves of many players.

It turns out that this dragon can be encountered in the third act, but already in anthropomorphic form. Kudenos himself will confirm that he is Voss's flying transport. This transformation is completely in line with the D&D lore that the game is based on — dragons can take the form of dragonborn.

Met this guy for the first time after 1.7k hours of playtime
byu/Alicex13 inBaldursGate3

Judging by the comments on Reddit, this was a real revelation for many:

You can talk to a dragon?! WHAT?!
— Edgezg
Wait, what? I've played 500 hours and completed the game three times and still haven't seen this dragonborn?
— Frank33ller
Lol, I've never met this NPC in his humanoid form.
— BetterPaltu

To activate this encounter, players need to meet Voss in the sewers in Act 3. But before that, they will need to decline Raphael's offer in Sharess Caress, while telling Voss that they intend to free Orpheus.

Earlier, the creators of Baldur's Gate 3 shared the rarest ending of the game, which only 34 people were able to see.

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