Gamer Shows Silent Hill 2 Remake with Fixed Camera — Now It Looks Like the First Resident Evil Games

The creator of the YouTube channel Enveloping Sounds showcased what the new Silent Hill 2 remake could look like with a fixed camera. To achieve this, he installed a mod with an unlocked camera and recorded a short gameplay video.
The blogger chose the Lakeview Hotel and Heaven's Night strip club as the settings. Fans of the classic series appreciated the work, though they pointed out that the original Silent Hill 2 used a dynamic camera that followed the main character. As a result, the game now looks more like the early Resident Evil titles.
This concept might catch the attention of the well-known modder AlphaZomega, who previously released a similar modification for the Resident Evil 2 remake, restoring the game's canonical appearance.
Today, Konami officially announced that Silent Hill 2 has sold over a million copies. You can read our review of the game here.
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