Red Dead Redemption 2 Developer Reveals Game Secret That 99% of Fans Didn't Know

It turns out that sometimes in-game instructions confuse gamers, causing them to skip content. According to the developer of Red Dead Redemption 2, one of the quests could have been completed completely differently — only 1% of players figured it out.
While exploring the open world, Arthur Morgan could have found himself on the outskirts of Saint Denis and taken the quest The Mercies of Knowledge from Professor Andrew Bell III. He asks the protagonist to get 100 gallons of moonshine for his invention. Following the game's recommendations, gamers must get a tip from a clerk in Rhodes about a moonshiners' wagon, and then lie in wait for the cargo on the bridge in Bluewater Swamp. Having successfully recaptured the wagon from the bandits, the protagonist returns to Saint Denis and after some time sees Andrew Bell's device in action — it turns out to be an «electric chair» for executions.
However, six years later, it turned out that the quest had a different version of completion. This was told by former Rockstar Games developer Ben Hinchliffe, who worked on RDR 2, GTA 5 and L.A. Noire. In an interview for the GTA VI O'clock podcast, he said the following:
If you don't ambush it on the bridge when you are told to, and you follow it along the road for quite some time, it will end up in a bandit camp. And there is a full camp there, with enemies doing other animations. The guys go off the wagon and into the tent. I literally like, I'd say 99% of the people never saw that.
This way, the cargo can be picked up without engaging in a fight with the guards at all. According to Ben Hinchliffe, this ending was created specifically for those players who do not like to follow instructions.
Recall that the long-awaited release of the PC version of the first Red Dead Redemption took place recently. We also played and gave our verdict on the classic.
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