Farming in Medieval Dynasty: How to Create and Plow a Field, How to Plant Crops, and Where to Get Manure

Medieval Dynasty is a role-playing action game set in the Medieval era. You will engage in hunting and farming, build your own settlement, and establish relationships with neighbors. Currently, the game is in early access. In this guide, we will answer the most pressing questions related to farming.
How to Plant Crops
To plant crops, you will need a tilled field (Field), a bag (The Bag), and seeds (seed). The latter can be bought from merchants or simply stolen. But be careful that no one notices you during the theft, otherwise, your reputation will decrease. Then go to the field, right-click on it and select the seeds of the plants you want to plant.
How to Create a Field
First, you need to build a house. Then open the crafting menu, select «Farming,» and after that «Field.» All that remains is to choose a free plot of land.
How to Remove a Field
Take a hammer (Hammer), right-click to open the construction menu, and select the «Destroy Building» option. After that, hover over the unnecessary field and remove it.
How to Plow a Field
To till the soil, you will need a hoe. It can be crafted in the crafting menu or stolen from Alvin (Alvin) in Gostovia (Gostovia). Then take the tool in your hands and interact with the field.
How to Remove Stumps
You need to hit them with your bare hands. Keep in mind, new trees will grow in their place after some time.
Where to Get Manure?
Manure (The manure) is necessary for your fields. In the later stages of the game, you can obtain it from the pigsty. Initially, you will have to buy it from merchants. Manure is sold by Sobiemir (Sobiemir) from Gostovia (Gostovia), Norbert (Norbert) from East Branica (East Branica), and Dagobert (Dogobert) from Denica (Denica).
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