Gameplay of Front Mission 3: Remake released

At Tokyo Game Show 2024, Forever Entertainment unveiled the gameplay demo of Front Mission 3: Remake. The video, which lasts 25 minutes, showcases the introductory cutscene and a training battle.

The game is a tactical RPG where players control combat mechs known as Wanzers. The main events take place in the year 2112. It's worth noting that the original game was first released in 1999 on PlayStation. The remake promises updated graphics and other new features.

Front Mission 3: Remake has been announced exclusively for Nintendo Switch for now, but it is likely to also be released on PC.

Previously, Forever Entertainment released Front Mission 1st: Remake and Front Mission 2: Remake. Both games were initially Nintendo Switch exclusives but were later ported to other platforms (PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S).

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