Family, Reputation and Romance in Medieval Dynasty: How to Marry and Have an Heir

Tips on important activities in Medieval Dynasty. From this guide, you can learn how to start a family and have children.
Wife and Family
Marriage is an interesting mechanic in Medieval Dynasty. However, finding a wife can take some time. There are several reasons why you should consider getting married in the game. Not only will you have heirs who will continue to rule the village when you become too old. Besides that, your wife will also help you heal wounds and prevent premature death. Finally, she can reset your skills, allowing you to redistribute them.
As simple as the process of getting married may seem, you will have to spend a lot of time searching for the perfect woman. Once you find a potential partner, your choice in dialogue will determine if you can marry her.
Simply put, you will need to rely on various dialogue options to get as close to the 100 level of affection as possible. Where some dialogues increase your affection, others decrease it. Another important thing to note: raising the level of affection is a long process, and you will not be able to do it in just a few days.
By choosing a dialogue option that increases your level of affection, you will be able to repeat this several times. After you have completed all dialogues, you will need to repeat the same process the next day and continue doing this until you reach the required level of affection. On the other hand, if you somehow spoil a dialogue option, you will not be able to proceed further. Therefore, it's important not to rush when it comes to choosing different dialogues.
Searching for a potential wife can take some time, so it's better to start early in the game. Remember to take care not only of yourself but also of the whole family. If your wife is very unhappy with your actions, such as: lack of housing, food, or firewood in winter, she may leave you and take the heir with her.
The heir ensures the survival of your dynasty. To have one, you must first find a wife, and then tell her that you are ready to have a child. Three seasons later, the heir will be born. For the first two years, the mother takes care of him, which means she cannot perform other work. You can manage the heir when he gets older (V button on the keyboard), but his actions are limited.
Dynasty Reputation
The next resident you want to join the village will only do so when your dynasty's reputation is high enough. Reputation is earned by completing various quests and challenges.
Dynasty reputation is a value passed from generation to generation, but it can be decreased due to failing challenges or bad behavior, such as stealing or not paying taxes. If your reputation falls below -10000, you will be banished from the valley and your journey will end.
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