Where to Find All Altars of Lilith in Diablo 4: Altar Map

In Diablo 4, there is a vast open world containing fortresses, dungeons, cities, and Altars of Lilith. Activating them is a quick and easy way to boost your character's stats. In this guide, we will tell you how to find all the altars and provide a detailed map of their locations.
Why Do You Need Altars of Lilith in Diablo 4?
The open world of Diablo 4 consists of five regions. Each of them contains numerous secrets, quests, and monsters. Also, in each region, there are Altars of Lilith that should be activated to receive rewards.
Altars of Lilith are small statues of the demon Lilith scattered throughout Sanctuary. They do not need to be activated every season, and their bonuses are permanent. Additionally, the bonuses apply to all your characters on the given account. Therefore, it will be easier for your second hero to level up.
There are a total of 160 altars in the game. If players want to collect all the stat upgrades and receive currency as a reward for purchasing random items from a vendor, they should visit them all.
For each statue, you will receive 10 renown points for the region where you found the altar, experience for the character you are currently playing, and a permanent boost to one of the stats:
- +1 skill point;
- +2 strength;
- +2 dexterity;
- +2 willpower;
- +2 intelligence;
- +5 to the maximum number of murmuring obols.
In total, you need to activate 160 Altars of Lilith. If you add up all the parameters, your hero will receive +68 strength, +68 dexterity, +68 intelligence, +68 willpower, +100 to the maximum number of murmuring obols, and +4 skill points.
Map with All Altars of Lilith
Altars of Lilith are usually easy to spot, but sometimes they are hidden in caves or buildings. The statues can also be found in captured fortresses.
All 34 Altars in the Scosglen Area
There are 34 Altars of Lilith hidden in the Scosglen area.
1 β Greenglen Meadows
South of Cerrigar, you can find a small path that leads to the altar.
- Reward: +2 strength.
2 β Wealaf Rise
The altar is hidden in a house located near the fort. You will need to enter the building to activate the altar.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
3 β The Unhallowed Pit
The altar is covered by tree branches.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
4 β Wraithstead
Look for the altar to the left of the dungeon entrance.
- Reward: +2 strength.
5 β The Great Northern Plains
The altar is located near the tavern.
- Reward: +2 strength.
6 β Laglend Fen
During the main quest, you will encounter the altar located near the road.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
7 β Outlaws Grove
Find the bandit camp where the Altar of Lilith is located.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
8 β The Ancient Woods
South of the Tur Dulra entrance, you can spot the altar.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
9 β The Ancient Woods
The altar is well hidden. Find the cave at the lower part of the woods.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
10 β Shadow Wood
You need to find the cliff where the Altar of Lilith is located.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
11 β The Witan Wolds
The altar is located in a clearing near the mansion.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
12 β Old Forest Clearing
The altar is located at the top of the area and near the maze.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
13 β The Ancient Woods
In the forest, at the top of the location.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
14 β Writhing Brook
Just below the teleport point, by the river.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
15 β Gloom Pine Pass
The altar is located between rocks and trees. Hard to notice.
- Reward: +2 strength.
16 β Maddux Hill
Look for the altar east of the dungeon on a small rock.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
17 β Dead Forest
Look for the large tree, the altar is located nearby.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
18 β Dead Forest
The altar is hard to miss, it is located near the dungeon entrance.
- Reward: +2 strength.
19 β The Withered Scrubs
At the top of the area, it is well visible.
- Reward: +2 strength.
20 β The Daudur Peats
The altar is located under the red zone in a small nook.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
21 β The Blood Vale
Just above the previous one, activate it right after.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
22 β Ancestor Heights
You can get here during the second act of the Diablo 4 storyline. The quest is called Encroaching Shadows.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
23 β Wailing Coast
The Altar of Lilith is located near the dungeon entrance.
- Reward: +2 strength.
24 β Razor Shoals
Move up from the portal.
- Reward: +2 strength.
25 β Torvstrath
Look for a small hut. The Lilith statue can only be seen if you enter the building.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
26 β Bronagh
Near the dungeon entrance.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
27 β Fiabre
Look for the altar on top of the hill in the right part of the region.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
28 β Moordaine Lodge
The altar is hidden inside Moordaine Lodge fortress. You don't need to complete the quest and kill everyone in the fortress. Just run inside, activate the altar, and leave.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
29 β Loch Raeth
Go left from the portal and walk along the river.
- Reward: +2 strength.
30 β The Old Mine Works
In the center of the area. Between the portal and the dungeon.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
31 β Stormbreak Cove
At the border of locations, there will be a dungeon nearby.
- Reward: +2 strength.
32 β The Cursed Scarps
In the upper part of the map, the Altar of Lilith is hidden between the rocks.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
33 β The Cursed Bay
Use the winches to reach the altar.
- Reward: +2 strength.
34 β Tur Dulra
The altar is hidden inside the fortress. You don't need to complete the quest and kill everyone in the fortress. Follow the paths until you find a fragile stump. Break it and jump to the altar.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
All 28 Altars in the Fractured Peaks Region
There are 28 Altars of Lilith hidden in the Fractured Peaks region.
1 β Icehowl Taiga
This altar is located in the starting zone of Diablo 4.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
2 β Southeast Foothills
Near the cemetery, look for a place to descend.
- Reward: +maximum whispering obols.
3 β Tsepilova Pond
The altar is on the way to the mines in the main story of Diablo 4.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
4 β Icehowl Taiga
Return to the starting area later. This altar is not accessible at the beginning of the game.
- Reward: +2 strength.
5 β The Brinewood
The altar is off to the side and hidden behind trees.
- Reward: +maximum whispering obols.
6 β Noastrava
You need to go through part of the dungeon to reach the Altar of Lilith.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
7 β Trekker's Nook
The Altar of Lilith is located in a small dead end at the edge of the map.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
8 β Shadow Trail
Find this altar below the teleport point.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
9 β Western Tunnels
Very close to the teleport point.
- Reward: +2 strength.
10 β Melnik's Hill
In the house on the hill.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
11 β Zeleny Lowlands
On the trail near the transition to another area.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
12 β Shivering Wilds
Easily noticeable as it is in an open area.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
13 β Shivering Wilds
In a small dead end behind the trees.
- Reward: +maximum whispering obols.
14 β Malnok
The altar is located in the fortress. Find the house with icicles β they will break once the fortress is cleared.
- Reward: +2 strength.
15 β Western Ways
To the northwest of the teleport point.
- Reward: +maximum whispering obols.
16 β Western Ways
To the west of the dungeon on a small hillside is the Altar of Lilith.
- Reward: +2 strength.
17 β The Deep White
Look for it on a cliff protruding to the northeast of the dungeon.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
18 β Olyam Tundra
To the southeast of the dungeon, you can find a mountain path leading to this altar.
- Reward: +2 strength.
19 β Serac Rapture
To the southeast of the monastery.
- Reward: +2 strength.
20 β Eastern Pass
To the east of the cabin where players first meet Lorath.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
21 β Father's Cross
The altar is located near the event site.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
22 β Western Ways
Follow the road southeast from the town.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
23 β The Brinewood
23 β The Brinewood
In the depths of a vast open area.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
24 β Kor Dragan: Courtyard
Inside the fortress, but it can be accessed without clearing it.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
25 β Crags of Ill Wind
Head down the slope from the quarry to find the altar.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
26 β Olyam Tundra
Descend and head southeast from the quarry to find this hidden Altar of Lilith.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
27 β Fields of Judgment
In a gorge between rocks.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
28 β Sinner's Pass
North of the dungeon and on the edge of a cliff.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
All 34 Altars in the Dry Steppes Region
There are 33 Altars of Lilith hidden in the Dry Steppes region.
1 β Rift of A Thousand Eyes
This location is accessible only through the story quest or after its completion.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
2 β Forsaken Ascent
A pit east of Mephisto's Shrine. You will reach this place during a story quest.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
3 β Akhai Prairie
The Altar of Lilith is located in one of the PvP areas of Diablo 4. Here, other players can kill you.
- Reward: +1 paragon point.
4 β Wayward Plains
Find the cave where the altar is located.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
5 β The Wretched Strand
To the side of the dungeon entrance.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
6 β Wayward Plains
Head east to find a small cave. The altar will be inside.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
7 β Wayward Plains
Another small cave with an altar. Look south of the dungeon.
- Reward: +2 strength.
8 β Abahru Canyon
The altar is located in the same area where you will be passing through for story quests. Don't miss it.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
9 β The Crown of Fiends
North of the dungeon entrance, find a path leading to a mountain cave. The Altar of Lilith will be inside.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
10 β Hapless Frontier
Head southeast from the town and find a cave with the altar.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
11 β Path of the Stray Souls
The altar is located at the edge of the map.
- Reward: +1 paragon point.
12 β The Boiling Plains
This altar is guarded by many cultist enemies.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
13 β The Trail of Bones
Located south of the teleport point.
- Reward: +2 strength.
14 β Bloodsoaked Ingress
Near the dungeon and tents.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
15 β Bloodsoaked Ingress
Go north from the dungeon entrance. The altar is inside a wooden structure.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
16 β Bluff of Olzei
Go south from the fortress. The altar is well hidden behind a tree.
- Reward: +2 strength.
17 β The Onyx Watchtower
Inside the fortress, there is a section with trees and barrels. Break the obstacles and find the entrance. Clearing the fortress is not necessary.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
18 β Bastard's Pass
To the west of the watchtower, there will be a group of bandits. The Altar of Lilith is near the ambush.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
19 β Adherent's Rise
This Altar of Lilith is located north of the dungeon entrance.
- Reward: +2 strength.
20 β The Brackish Pans
To the west of the dungeon entrance, find a bridge. The altar is well hidden under it. You need to go down to reach it.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
21 β The Brackish Pans
To the south of the dungeon entrance, find a lake; the altar will be on the shore.
- Reward: +1 paragon point.
22 β Temple of Rot: Temple Grounds
In the northeastern part of the fortress, there is an Altar of Lilith.
- Reward: +1 paragon point.
23 β Crane Tribe Hutmont
After leaving the fortress, head northeast to encounter the altar.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
24 β Galtmaa Bushland
The altar is very close to the dungeon entrance.
- Reward: +2 strength.
25 β Desolation's Reach
To the south of the dungeon entrance, there is a field. The altar will be in plain sight.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
26 β Galtmaa Bushland
Find the ruined house. The Altar of Lilith is hidden inside the building.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
27 β Ruins of Qara-Yisa
The altar is located in the southern part of the fortress ruins. Find the breakable wooden platform that needs to be destroyed to reach the altar.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
28 β The Bleak Expanse
Go northeast from the ruins to find another altar.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
29 β The Bleak Expanse
To the north of the ruins, there is another Altar of Lilith.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
30 β Tamuur Hinterland
To the southeast of the dungeon entrance, you can find the altar.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
31 β The Ashen Tread
After exiting the dungeon, follow the coast north. The altar is on the shore next to branches and debris.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
32 β Undying Marches
Move southeast from the dungeon entrance. Climb to the top of the hill to find the Altar of Lilith.
- Reward: +2 strength.
33 β Ragged Shore
North of the dungeon entrance, on the shore.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
All 31 altars in the Kehjistan area
1 β Rezam's Excavation
The altar is located near the dungeon entrance.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
2 β Alcarnus
The niche with the Altar of Lilith is located in the fortress at the top of the area. You do not need to clear the fortress to activate the altar.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
3 β Dimmed Grotto
The altar is located in the northeast, at the far left of the map.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
4 β Scouring Sands
After completing the third act of the game's storyline, you will be able to activate the altar. Until then, it is protected by a sandstorm.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
5 β Residential District
Go north from the dungeon entrance to find this altar. It is located inside the city of Caldeum and will be inaccessible until you unlock the gates to the city after the fifth act.
- Reward: +2 strength.
6 β Bleak Dunes
The Altar of Lilith is hidden behind vegetation in the PvP zone northeast of the teleport point.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
7 β Pallid Oasis
Like the previous altar, this one is also located in the PvP zone. Go southeast from the teleport point to activate it.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
8 β Pallid Oasis
South of the teleport point. The altar is hidden in vegetation in the PvP area.
- Reward: +2 strength.
9 β Forgotten Overlook
Go northwest to find a place to descend into a pit where the altar is hidden.
- Reward: +maximum number of whispering obols.
10 β Omath's Redoubt
In the fortress, you can find a small room. You will need to clear the fortress first to get into the room.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
11 β Hakan's Oasis
Southwest of the fortress is the Altar of Lilith. It is well hidden among the trees on the lake shore.
- Reward: +2 strength.
12 β Eastern Basin
Look in the lower part of the area among the trees.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
13 β Central Plateau
The altar is quite well hidden among the palm trees to the east of the dungeon entrance.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
14 β Central Plateau
The Altar of Lilith is located to the northwest of the dungeon entrance, also covered by trees.
- Reward: +maximum number of whispering obols.
15 β Central Plateau
The altar is located to the west of the dungeon entrance.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
16 β Scorched Gulch
To the southwest of the dungeon entrance, you can find an altar located in a pit.
- Reward: +2 strength.
17 β Blistering Strand
Go east from the dungeon entrance to find this Altar of Lilith.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
18 β Jagged Coast
To the northwest of the dungeon entrance. The altar is located near large statues.
- Reward: +maximum number of whispering obols.
19 β Dalhgur Oasis
Go west from the dungeon entrance to find the altar. It is hidden by palm trees and crates.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
20 β Tar Pits
The altar is located to the southwest of the dungeon entrance.
- Reward: +maximum number of whispering obols.
21 β Scorching Dunes
The Altar of Lilith is located south of the fortress.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
22 β Altar of Ruin
Northeast of the fortress. You do not need to clear the fortress to activate the Altar of Lilith.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
23 β Forgotten Coastline
On the coastline southwest of the dungeon entrance.
- Reward: +maximum number of whispering obols.
24 β Lut Bahadur
The altar is hidden in a building northeast of the dungeon entrance.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
25 β Silent Expanse
Go northeast from the teleport point to find this Altar of Lilith.
- Reward: +2 strength.
26 β Silent Expanse
North of the dungeon entrance.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
27 β Forgotten Watch Post
Go northwest from the teleport point to find the ruins with the altar on top of the hill.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
28 β Forlorn Badlands
Go west from the teleport point.
- Reward: +maximum number of whispering obols.
29 β Caldeum Bizarre
The altar is located near the dungeon entrance.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
30 β Road to Alcarnus
The altar is located beyond the southwest exit of the fortress.
- Reward: +2 strength.
31 β Dunes of Despair
The altar is located on the right side of the area, just below the dungeon.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
All 34 Altars in the Hawezar Region
There are 34 Altars of Lilith hidden in the Hawezar region.
1 β The Fallow Tillage
The altar is almost in a straight line from the southwest exit of the town.
- Reward: +2 strength.
2 β Savage Precipice
To the west of the town. Look for a small niche in the rocks surrounded by bushes.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
3 β Nymyr Highlands
Head north from the town. The statue is located near a sacrificial altar.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
4 β Vyeresz β Temple Ruins
The altar in the fortress will not be accessible until you open the door during the conquest.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
5 β Monument to the Failed Crusade
In the northernmost part of the fortress, you can activate the altar regardless of whether you have cleared it or not.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
6 β Faith's Edge
To the east of the town, in a small waterfall.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
7 β Dismal Foothills
Move north from the town along the river. Jump across to find the Altar of Lilith.
- Reward: +maximum number of whispering obols.
8 β Bloodpox Basin
Head southeast from the town into the swamps. The altar is located in this section of the map.
- Reward: +maximum number of whispering obols.
9 β Crimson Spoil
Head southwest from the fortress into the swamps to find this altar.
- Reward: +2 strength.
10 β Intruder's Claim
The altar is located northeast of the dungeon entrance, among the trees.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
11 β Eriman's Pyre
To the northwest of the fortress, break the cart to find the passage point. The altar is on the other side. The fortress will need to be conquered.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
12 β Ruins of Rakhat Keep
The altar is located in the northernmost part of the fortress. Climb the wall and then jump across the gap to reach it.
- Reward: +maximum number of whispering obols.
13 β The Devouring Moor
Head southwest from the fortress. The altar is very well hidden in the bushes.
- Reward: +2 strength.
14 β Diseased Embankment
Look to the southwest of the dungeon entrance. The altar is hidden behind a tree.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
15 β Plains of Attrition
Southeast of the dungeon entrance, you can activate the altar.
- Reward: +maximum number of whispering obols.
16 β Plains of Attrition
Head south from the dungeon entrance along the coast to the west.
- Reward: +maximum number of whispering obols.
17 β Reach of Adulation
The altar is located southwest of the fortress.
- Reward: +maximum number of whispering obols.
18 β The Molting Shore
Head south from the dungeon entrance along the coast.
- Reward: +2 strength.
19 β Ottvik's Travail
A bit northwest of the dungeon entrance.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
20 β Ottvik's Travail
Southeast of the fortress near the big trees.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
21 β The Dark Dross
East of the dungeon entrance in an overgrown clearing near a big tree.
- Reward: +maximum number of whispering obols.
22 β Yngovani
East of the dungeon entrance, you can find a ruined house with the altar inside.
- Reward: +2 strength.
23 β Corpsewail Deluge
North of the dungeon entrance near a hut.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
24 β Corpsewail Deluge
The altar is located northwest of the dungeon entrance in a small clearing.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
25 β The Swamp of Vanished Souls
Teleport to the waypoint, then head southwest. Access to this altar is only possible after completing a story quest that unlocks this area of the swamp.
- Reward: +maximum number of whispering obols.
26 β Immurement of Thorns
Located east of the dungeon entrance. The altar is accessible only after completing a story quest that unlocks this part of the swamp.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
27 β Tszava's Slough
Southwest of the dungeon entrance, but only after unlocking this part of the swamp and completing the story quest.
- Reward: +2 strength.
28 β Misshapen Labyrinth
Northwest of the dungeon entrance, but only after completing the quest that unlocks this area of the swamp.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
29 β Mangrove Snarl
The Lilith altar is located southeast of the dungeon entrance.
- Reward: +maximum number of whispering obols.
30 β The Rustwatch
Northwest of the dungeon entrance, there is another altar.
- Reward: +2 intelligence.
31 β Blackguard Bog
The altar is located northwest of the teleport point, but it is quite far to walk.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
32 β Bosun's Woe
Northeast of the dungeon entrance, there is a wrecked ship, and nearby is the altar.
- Reward: +2 willpower.
33 β Revenants Roam
The altar is located in the thickets northeast of the dungeon entrance.
- Reward: +maximum number of whispering obols.
34 β Bosun's Woe
Head east from the dungeon entrance and look for the altar on the coast.
- Reward: +2 dexterity.
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