The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn Review

The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn is a game based on the film that was recently "playing" in all the cinemas of the country. But Tintin himself was "born" a long time ago, back in 1929, on the pages of comics. From the comics, we learn that Tintin is a restless reporter who will go to any lengths to capture something special. In 2011, the comic transitioned into a film, and soon after, into a game.


The plot is not burdened with convoluted stories; it is simple and thus beautiful. At times, the plot strongly resembles events from the film. According to the plot, our reporter Tintin gets his hands on a model of the ship "Unicorn," which turns out to contain a mysterious scroll. Naturally, the ship model is immediately stolen, and we set off in search of the thief and the mysterious scroll. Accompanying us on our journey is a loyal dog and the ship's captain, who is also interested in finding this scroll. The plot takes us everywhere—from the vast expanses of the desert to sea ships, and even into the past. In general, the plot is rich, and it won't be boring.


Since the game is designed for a children's audience, you can forget about bloody battles with decapitations and dismemberments. The most we can do to an enemy is stun them, and Tintin himself can only get a few bumps and see stars flying around his head. The game is a kind of mix of action and platformer—sometimes it's action, sometimes it's a platformer. The gameplay is simple, sometimes very much so, and it's not that hard to fight the bosses; the main thing is to dodge their hits in time.


The game is for children, and so are the graphics. Nothing remarkable, just pleasant to the eye and well integrated into the gameplay.


There isn't much to say about the game's voice acting. The characters' voice acting is decent, and the gameplay is equipped with the necessary sounds, depending on the level. It's enough that there is simply a sound background; it's not so boring to play.

Sound and music
7.0 / 10
Adventures of TinTin — a game without violence and blood, just what small children need.
— Good character voice acting;
— Good plot.
— Strange boss fights.
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