Save / SaveGame (Game and all missions completed 100%. Everything collected and purchased)

  • GTA 5 — Save / SaveGame (Game and all missions completed 100%. Everything collected and purchased)
  • GTA 5 — Save / SaveGame (Game and all missions completed 100%. Everything collected and purchased)
  • GTA 5 — Save / SaveGame (Game and all missions completed 100%. Everything collected and purchased)
  • GTA 5 — Save / SaveGame (Game and all missions completed 100%. Everything collected and purchased)
  • GTA 5 — Save / SaveGame (Game and all missions completed 100%. Everything collected and purchased)
  • GTA 5 — Save / SaveGame (Game and all missions completed 100%. Everything collected and purchased)
  • GTA 5 — Save / SaveGame (Game and all missions completed 100%. Everything collected and purchased)
Author: Black.Card
Size: 1.98 MB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: August 30, 2017, 12:06 AM
Downloads: 1682

All story missions completed 100% with a gold medal.

All additional tasks completed 100% with a gold medal.

Completed all types of races, triathlons, skydiving with a gold medal.

All items were found (scraps of a letter, parts of a UFO, parts of the Epsilon treatise, nuclear waste, parts of a submarine, mosaic with monkeys).

All stunt jumps, flights under bridges, and knife flights have been completed.

All skills are upgraded to 100% for all three characters, except for the “Special Ability” skill (for some reason it is either reset or not upgraded at all).

All real estate has been purchased.

All weapons, all modifications and coloring for them were purchased from all three characters.

All clothes for all three characters have been purchased.

All planes, helicopters, and military equipment for all three characters have been purchased.

The garage is 100% full for all three characters.

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Сохранение / SaveGame (Игра и все миссии пройдены на 100%. Все собрано и куплено)

Все сюжетные задания пройдены на 100% с золотой медалью.

Все дополнительные задания пройдены на 100% с золотой медалью.

Пройдены все виды гонок, триатлона, прыжков с парашютом с золотой медалью.

Найдены все предметы (обрывки письма, части НЛО, части трактата "Эпсилон", ядерные отходы, части подлодки, мозаика с обезьянами).

Выполнены все каскадерские прыжки, полеты под мостом, полеты "на ноже".

Все навыки прокачены на 100% у всех трёх персонажей, кроме навыка "Спецспособность" (почему-то или сбрасывается, или не прокачивается вообще).

Куплена вся недвижимость.

Куплено всё оружие, все модификации и раскраски для него у всех трёх персонажей.

Куплена вся одежда для всех трёх персонажей.

Куплены все самолеты, вертолеты, военная техника для всех трёх персонажей.

Гараж забит на 100% у всех трёх персонажей.

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