Save / SaveGame (Everything is 100% Gold, All clothes are purchased, Go Go Monkey Blista, etc., steam, 1.7 billion $)

  • GTA 5 — Save / SaveGame (Everything is 100% Gold, All clothes are purchased, Go Go Monkey Blista, etc., steam, 1.7 billion $)
  • GTA 5 — Save / SaveGame (Everything is 100% Gold, All clothes are purchased, Go Go Monkey Blista, etc., steam, 1.7 billion $)
  • GTA 5 — Save / SaveGame (Everything is 100% Gold, All clothes are purchased, Go Go Monkey Blista, etc., steam, 1.7 billion $)
  • GTA 5 — Save / SaveGame (Everything is 100% Gold, All clothes are purchased, Go Go Monkey Blista, etc., steam, 1.7 billion $)
  • GTA 5 — Save / SaveGame (Everything is 100% Gold, All clothes are purchased, Go Go Monkey Blista, etc., steam, 1.7 billion $)
  • GTA 5 — Save / SaveGame (Everything is 100% Gold, All clothes are purchased, Go Go Monkey Blista, etc., steam, 1.7 billion $)
  • GTA 5 — Save / SaveGame (Everything is 100% Gold, All clothes are purchased, Go Go Monkey Blista, etc., steam, 1.7 billion $)
  • GTA 5 — Save / SaveGame (Everything is 100% Gold, All clothes are purchased, Go Go Monkey Blista, etc., steam, 1.7 billion $)
  • GTA 5 — Save / SaveGame (Everything is 100% Gold, All clothes are purchased, Go Go Monkey Blista, etc., steam, 1.7 billion $)
Author: Millennium VP
Size: 485.22 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: August 30, 2017, 12:09 AM
Downloads: 6355

Description and instructions

Completed under a steam license (1.0.372.3) without cheat codes, trainers or editors.

All clothes have been purchased, all weapons from the dlc have been opened and purchased.

$1.7 billion earned on the exchange.

A mysterious murder has been solved (retro filters).

Go Go Monkey Blista, Cheval Marshall, Duke O'Death, Dodo, Kraken, four unique muscle cars, etc. are open.

Letter scraps 50 / 50

UFO parts 50 / 50

Nuclear waste 30 / 30

Submarine parts 30 / 30

Mosaics with monkeys 50 / 50

Wildlife Photography 20 / 20

"For Sale" signs destroyed 15 / 15

G1gQWlOqF0w Peyote is untouched =)

Completed all tasks for gold:

except for random events, 49 out of 60 were completed (collectors and store robberies remained).


Find the Rockstar Games -> GTA V -> Profiles folder in “My Documents”.

Then you will see a folder like 1562913F (the name of the folder is different for everyone), go to this folder.

It will turn out like this Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA V\Profiles\1562913F

Copy the archive files to this folder (you need to rename these files if you already have them with the same name, or replace them).

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Сохранение / SaveGame (Всё на Золото 100%, Вся одежда куплена, Go Go Monkey Blista и т / д, steam, 1.7 billion $)

Описание и инструкции

Пройдено на лицензии в steam(1.0.372.3) без чит кодов, трейнеров и редакторов.

Куплена вся одежда, открыто и куплено всё оружие из dlc.

1.7 billion $ заработано на бирже.

Раскрыто таинственное убийство (ретро фильтры).

Открыты Go Go Monkey Blista, Cheval Marshall, Duke O’Death, Dodo, Kraken, четыре уникальных маслкара и т/д.

Обрывки письма 50 / 50

Части НЛО 50 / 50

Ядерные отходы 30 / 30

Части подлодки 30 / 30

Мозаики с обезьянами 50 / 50

Фотографии живой природы 20 / 20

Уничтожено знаков "Продается" 15 / 15

G1gQWlOqF0w Пейот не тронут =)

Выполнены все задания на золото:

кроме случайных событий их выполнено 49 из 60 (остались инкасаторы и грабежи магазинов).


Найдите папку Rockstar Games -> GTA V -> Profiles в «Мои документы».

Затем вы увидите папку вида 1562913F (название папки у каждого разное.), зайдите в эту папку.

Получится так Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA V\Profiles\1562913F

Скопируйте в эту папку файлы архива (необходимо переименовать эти файлы, если с таким названием они у вас уже есть, или заменить).

Для тех у кого качает вирус , убираем галочку.

Useful links:

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