Manor Lords
A medieval city-planning strategy in which many of the buildings in the game are inspired by real prototypes of European buildings of the 11th-15th centuries. There... Read more
Guides and tutorials for Manor Lords
Players often find it difficult to understand how to create a certain item and where to find the necessary resources in the game. This section usually contains a complete walkthrough, tips for beginners on how to get through difficult levels and quests. Here you can find guides for Manor Lords that will help you find all the collectible items; explain how to kill all the bosses and complete the game 100%, collecting all the achievements. Manor Lords lagging, not launching, or crashing? Perhaps, here you'll find a solution to technical problems that will help eliminate glitches, crashes, and bugs.

How to Level Up Your Settlement in Manor Lords
The realistic strategy game Manor Lords has captivated players and received numerous positive reviews from critics. The game features diverse mechanics that allow you to develop your settlement from a small village into a large city. However, not all available options are intuitive. In this guide, we will discuss how to properly level up your settlement and what is needed for it.
May 20, 2024

How to Solve the Lack of Groundwater in Manor Lords
Creating a proper medieval village requires finding a balance in everything. In Manor Lords, players face eternal problems with food, lack of resources, and constant redistribution of residents. Besides, the game features natural events, such as the unavailability of drinking water. In this guide, we will tell you how to solve the lack of groundwater issue.
May 9, 2024

How to Get Clothing in Manor Lords: Where to Find Leather, Yarn, Flax, Shoes, and Cloaks
One of the key tasks for players in Manor Lords is meeting the needs of the population. Neglecting these needs will halt the growth of your estates, thus preventing you from reaching the next stages of development and all the benefits they bring. Clothing is one of these requirements, and this guide will teach you how to craft it.
May 6, 2024

How to Breed Sheep in Manor Lords
Sheep farming in Manor Lords is one of the necessary stages in becoming a fully-fledged town, capable of significantly accelerating development, providing valuable raw materials, and fulfilling the clothing requirements of second-level residents. Read our guide to find out exactly how to start breeding sheep.
May 6, 2024

Optimizing Manor Lords Graphics for Low-End PCs: How to Remove Blurriness and Increase FPS
Manor Lords is developed on the Unreal Engine 4. The city-building strategy game boasts stunning visuals, but it also faces optimization issues and frame rate drops. This is not surprising, as the game was released in a very raw technical state. Moreover, its development is handled by a single person, who physically cannot adapt Manor Lords to a wide variety of components in a short period. In this guide, we will explore the optimal settings for good graphics and stable performance.
May 5, 2024

How to Get More Families and Increase Approval Level in Manor Lords
Manor Lords is a city-building simulator that has appeared on Steam in early access and has already won the hearts of tens of thousands of gamers around the world. In the game, you will encounter the gathering of standard resources, but the most valuable asset is the families populating your town. People form the foundation of the settlement, working in warehouses, building useful buildings and churches, and also defending against raiders. If you want to get more families and increase approval, this guide is especially for you.
May 5, 2024

How to Make Weapons and Armor in Manor Lords
After you manage to feed your settlement and create autonomy in Manor Lords, you'll encounter raiders and other invaders. To defeat them, it's necessary to create a regular army and support it with resources. In this guide, we'll tell you how to collect basic equipment for your combat residents.
April 30, 2024

Beginners Guide for Manor Lords: Tips and Tricks
Released in April 2024 in early access Manor Lords is an economic city-building strategy wargame set in the early Middle Ages. Players receive a plot of land which they must turn into the center of their own empire, starting with almost nothing. This guide explains how to do it.
April 30, 2024

How to Survive Your First Harsh Winter in Manor Lords
Manor Lords is a realistic city-building simulator. This means your subjects will get hungry, freeze, and be lazy. In this guide, we've compiled useful tips that will help you survive your first and all subsequent winters.
April 30, 2024

How to Build a Manor in Manor Lords
To manage your people and become a true baron in Manor Lords, you need to build a manor. It's not the most useful building at the beginning of the game, but it's an important structure for the development and strengthening of your settlement. In this guide, we will tell you how to build it and what advantages you can get.
April 29, 2024