How to Get Clothing in Manor Lords: Where to Find Leather, Yarn, Flax, Shoes, and Cloaks

One of the key tasks for players in Manor Lords is meeting the needs of the population. Neglecting these needs will halt the growth of your estates, thus preventing you from reaching the next stages of development and all the benefits they bring. Clothing is one of these requirements, and this guide will teach you how to craft it.

In Manor Lords, all three estate levels require clothing, but the higher the level, the more complex it becomes to produce the necessary goods. This is because the game features several types of clothing, and while initially, leather, linen, or yarn might suffice, later on, more sophisticated finished products such as shoes, cloaks, and other garments are needed. All of these must be regularly supplied to the market, meaning they need to be produced in surplus.

To satisfy the needs of the first-level estates and progress to the second, you need to provide the people with one of the possible goods:

  • leather;
  • linen;
  • yarn.

To advance from the second level to the third, you need to supply the estates with one of the three possible goods (without losing the previous one):

  • shoes;
  • clothes;
  • cloaks.

You can manufacture these items by using full-fledged buildings and converting individual dwellings into manufactories, or import clothing through a factory (trading post). In the latter case, you'll have to spend a lot of gold, so it's recommended to produce everything yourself.

How to Get Leather in Manor Lords?

Leather is one of the basic goods that is very easy to obtain early in the game. When you set up a hunter's camp during the deployment process, it will produce a small amount of food while also leaving behind the hides of wild animals. Now, to turn these hides into leather, build a tannery and assign a family to it.

This option is highly limited by the biodiversity of the nearest forest, and at some point, there won't be enough animals to meet the settlement's needs. You'll need to upgrade the homestead plots for some of the dwellings. From the first level, you can attach a goat pen to the land plot for 25 units of regional wealth, thus ensuring a constant influx of hides, and consequently, leather.

Important: Don't engage in this until you've established trade, as regional wealth is needed to open trade routes.

How to Get Flax in Manor Lords?

Linen fabric is made from flax — a crop that can be grown on the farm. You'll need to set up a couple of large farms on the map in an area suitable for flax. But what if there isn't such an area? Either grow it in the yellow zone or fulfill the need in another way, for example, through leather. Sometimes the second option is even preferable because it's faster. In any case, sooner or later, you will gather some flax. Process it into linen fabric in a weaving workshop.

How to Get Yarn in Manor Lords?

To make yarn, you first need to breed sheep — read how to go about sheep farming in a separate guide. Shepherds will periodically collect wool from the sheep. Then, you can process it into yarn in a weaving workshop. Consider the distances: the larger the distance between pastures, sheep farmers' homes, warehouses, and workshops, the more time it will take. To prevent production from turning into a logistical nightmare, build enough oxen drovers and purchase the oxen themselves.

How to Make Shoes

Shoes are manufactured in a cobbler's workshop, which is an upgrade available for level 2 plots. Remember, when you buy an extension and convert a dwelling into a manufactory, you remove the inhabitants (families) from the pool of free people. To make shoes, you'll need a steady supply of leather, which will be delivered to the cobbler's workshop.

How to Sew Clothes and Cloaks

Both clothes and cloaks are sewn in the same manufactory — in a tailor's workshop, which is an upgrade for free estates of the second level. The ratio of manufactories producing clothes and cloaks should be 3 to 1, as cloaks are not as popular a commodity.

Flax is needed for making clothes, while yarn is needed for cloaks. Moreover, dyes are required for both products, which can be obtained from wild berries in a dye workshop. Ensure all three components are accessible from the warehouse.

By this point, you should no longer rely on wild berries as a food source. If you encounter a shortage, don't hesitate to buy wild berries, as you can earn from selling clothes through a factory (trading post) and recoup all expenses. Also, after upgrading the estate to the necessary manufactory, ensure you've switched it from producing quilts to producing clothes or cloaks.

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