Monster Hunter Frontier Online is a third-person role-playing game with online, massively multiplayer, anime/manga, and fantasy elements from Capcom...
Game released (Japan): June 24, 2010 → PlayStation 3
Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland is a third-person role-playing game with anime and manga elements from Gust Co., Ltd.. The game is published...
Boku no Natsuyasumi 2: Umi no Dai Bouken is an adventure from the developers of the Millennium Kitchen studio. The game is published by Sony Computer...
Game released (The whole world): June 25, 2010 → PC
Abenteuer im Tierpark is an adventure with puzzle elements and browser or mini-game elements from the studio magnussoft Deutschland GmbH. The game is...
Tropico 3 is a third-person strategy game with business simulator and sandbox elements from the developers of Haemimont Games AD. The main publisher...