Crystal Quest (1992) is a top-down strategy game with puzzle elements, an anime/manga game, a fantasy game and an adult game from Pixy Bell. The game...
Castles is an isometric simulation game with a mixture of strategy, fantasy and historical gaming from the masters at Quicksilver Software, Inc.. The...
48 Night Story is a first-person simulator with a mixture of anime or manga games and games for adults from developers from Silky's studio. The game...
Military Madness is a top-down strategy game from the developers of Hudson Soft Company, Ltd.. The main publisher of the game is Hudson Soft Company...
Kawarazakike no Ichizoku is a first-person adventure with an anime/manga twist, an adult game, and a visual novel from the masters at Silky's studio...
Sid Meier's Civilization is a legendary management strategy with a top-down view and turn-based battles on a global map. Starting with a map, you can...
Fukkatsusai: Asticaya no Majo is a first-person role-playing game with elements of an anime or manga game and an adult game from developers from the...
Elves is an isometric role-playing game with an admixture of anime/manga and fantasy games from developers from You-En-Tai studio. The main publisher...
Bard's Tale 3: Thief of Fate is a first-person role-playing game with fantasy game elements from the masters of Interplay Productions, Inc.. The main...
F29 Retaliator is a first-person simulator with action and flight simulator elements from the studio Digital Image Design Ltd.. The main publisher of...