The Lost Crown: A Ghost-Hunting Adventure is a third-person adventure with horror and puzzle elements from the developers of Darkling Room. The game...
Birth of America 2: Wars in America 1750-1815 is a top-down strategy game with a dash of business simulator from the masters at AGEOD Sarl. The game...
Tank Universal is a first-person action game with elements of a tank simulator from the masters from the Dialogue Design studio. The publisher of the...
Music Catch is a third-person action game with a touch of music game from the studio Reflexive Entertainment Inc.. The main publisher of the game is...
Prequel to S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. The plot takes place a year before the events of the original game, in 2011. A group of stalkers for...
Angry, Bad and Sober is an adventure game in the Point and Click genre from the studio Litera Laboratories. The game is published by Akella. In some...
Great Chocolate Chase: A Chocolatier Twist is a simulator with business simulator elements from developers from the studio ZEMNOTT, Inc.. The game is...
iRacing is a first-person racing simulator from Motorsport Simulations, LLC. The game is published by Motorsport Simulations...
Murder in the Abbey is a third-person adventure with a mixture of puzzle and fantasy game from the studio Alcachofa Soft S.L.. The game is published...