Syberia is a legendary adventure puzzle game with a third-person view. The game tells the story of Kate Walker, a lawyer from New York, who goes on a...
Assault Wing: Galactic Battlefront is a third-person action game with a touch of shooter and flight simulator from the masters from Studfarm Studios...
Chris Sawyer's Locomotion is an isometric simulator with elements of strategy, business simulator, sandbox and railway simulator from the masters at...
Trucks & Trailers is a realistic truck driving simulator that focuses on the art of vehicle parking. In fact, parking a truck with a trailer at a car...
Edge (2010) is an isometric action game with a mixture of platforming and puzzles from developers from the Mobigame studio. The main publisher of the...
Wonderputt is an original mini-golf in which the terrain changes during the game. Formed by the fall of a couple of comets, it certainly doesn't look...
Bastion is an action-adventure RPG with an isometric camera view in a fantasy setting. You will go to a fairy-tale world, which, by the will of fate...
Stellar Impact is an online action, strategy, massively multiplayer and indie game from developers Headup Games and Tindalos Interactive. The game is...
Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a continuation of the legendary first-person action role-playing game Deus Ex. The game will take you to 2027, in which...