The Lost Crown: A Ghost-Hunting Adventure is a third-person adventure with horror and puzzle elements from the developers of Darkling Room. The game...
Game released (The whole world): March 5, 2008 → PC
Harvest: Massive Encounter is a strategy game with an isometric view from developers from Oxeye Game Studio. The main publisher of the game is Oxeye...
RTL Racing Team Manager is a third-person racing game with business simulator and sandbox elements from the masters at destraX Entertainment Software...
Port Royale 2 is a continuation of the exciting nautical strategy game. The game takes place in the 17th century, where major European countries were...
Game released (The whole world): March 7, 2008 → PC
Rune of Fate is a top-down strategy game with a hint of puzzle from the masters at EleFun Multimedia Games. The main publisher of the game is EleFun...
Game released (The whole world): March 8, 2008 → PC
Animal Agents is a third-person adventure with a hint of puzzle from the developers from the studio GmbH. The game's primary publisher...
Game released (The whole world): March 10, 2008 → PC
Curse of the Pharaoh: The Quest for Nefertiti is a third-person adventure with puzzle elements from the developers of Ph03nix New Media. The game is...