Reshade "Gaze of Vengeance"

Sight of Vengeance. A visual mod that changes LUTs to look more greedy and visually pleasing, it's a very desaturated filter that puts an emphasis on red colors! Some sections of the map may look better than others, but that's just because of how Sif ...
Disabling film grain

No Film Grain. Changes to the Engine.ini file remove film grain and improve visual effects. Easy to install, with instructions and options.
Stand Juggernaut

Juggernaut Stance. Replaces the default Pak Mei stance with the Juggernauts stance. To install, unpack the archive to this path /Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/mods.
Women's rack

Flashkick Stance. Replace the standard Pak Mei stance with the Lady Legs moveset. To install, unpack the downloaded archive to this path /Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/mods. Please note that this may conflict with mods that have other stances.
Stance the student

Discipline Stance. Replace the standard Pak Mei stance with the open-handed stance used by Fire Disciples. Please note that this may conflict with mods that have other stances Installation is the same as installing any other mod: go to Sifu's instal ...
Young's stance

Yang Stance. Replace Pak Mei's standard stance with Yang's. To install, unpack the archive to this path /Epic Games/Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/mods.
Bodyguard stance

Bodyguard Stance. Swap out the standard Pak Mei stance for the boxing stance used by a bodyguard. To install, unpack the downloaded archive to this path /Epic Games/Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/mods.
Stand grunt

Grunt Stance. Replace the standard Pak Mei stance with the crude street fighting stance used by the Grunts. To install, unpack the archive to this path: Epic Games/Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/mods.
Reshade like in the movie "The Matrix"

The Matrix ReShade. Change the game color to the greenish tint of The Matrix, like in the movie. Installation: 1. Download and install the latest version of ReShade from 2. Unzip and replace the Sifu folder. 3. Launch the game and se ...
Cinematic reshade

Filmic Reshade. This mod adds a new reshade to the game. Launch the game (YOU MUST BE IN THE GAME, NOT IN THE MENU) and press the HOME key for the Reshade overlay to appear. Enable the DisplayDepth shader. Installation and configuration: 1. Instal ...
HDR effect

SIFU HDR RESHADE. This is a simple reshade preset that adds a Fake HDR effect to the game. Download the HDR reshade preset and place it in the Sifu/Sifu/Binaries/Win64 folder.
Kurosawa regime

Sifu Kurosawa Mode Reshade. Allows you to play in Kurosawa mode, feel like a badass. 2 versions included. Keyboard combinations: Print= take screenshot Pos1= open Reshade overlay End= enable/disable Reshade ...
More details and colors

Path of the Dragon Reshade. A reshade that gives the game more detail and color. 2 versions available. Key combinations: Print= take screenshot Pos1= open Reshade overlay End= enable/disable Reshade ...