Getting achievements after modifications

Achievement program for Starfield. Prevents a save from being marked as modified. To work you will need Ultimate ASI Loader . How to run: Download ASI Loader from ThirteenAG; Rename the file dinput8.dll to wininet.dll; Move it to the ro ...
Saving after purchasing an artifact
This is a save after you first purchased an artifact and immediately after customizing it. How to run: unpack to this path C:/Users/1234/Documents/My Games/Starfield/Saves.
Killing Important NPCs

They usually lie on the ground for a while and get up again. The mod allows you to kill an important NPC. How to run: unpack to this path C:/Users/user/Documents/My Games/Starfield.
Graphics like on PlayStation 1

Turns game graphics into potatoes for increased productivity or just for some pixel fun. How to run: After downloading the mod, you need to move it to the Documents/My Games/Starfield folder and replace the StarfieldPrefs.ini file. Right-cli ...
PS5 icons

This mod will change the Xbox icons to PlayStation icons. Useful for DualSense owners. How to launch: For the game to load free files, you need to go to C:/Documents/My Games/Starfield/ and create a file StarfieldCustom.ini In this file you need t ...
Removing hit markers

Complete removal of hit markers from the HUD. Setting StarfieldCustom.ini: [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= How to launch: unpack this path documents/my games/starfield.
Trainer (+13) [1.0]
Edition : Steam; Trainer language : English/Chinese; Number of functions : 13; Trainer creation date : 09/01/2023. Functions : Numpad 1 — immortality; Numpad 2 — endless health; Numpad 3 — prevent injuries; Numpad 4 — endless ...
Adding all perks

The file allows you to get all the existing perks in the game for your character, such as physical, social, combat, scientific and technical. How to run: Place the file in the game folder where the .exe file is located; Launch the game and e ...
Adding Resources

A file that allows you to get 100 materials and resources such as cobalt, palladium, silver, titanium, iron, nickel, platinum and others. How to run: Place the file in the game folder where the .exe file is located; Launch the game and enter ...
Trainer (+13) from 09/01/2023 [WeMod]
Trainer creation/update date: 09/01/2023 Trainer language: English Number of functions: 13 During the gameplay, click on the desired hotkeys (which can be edited) and get the desired result. Activating functions with the mouse is only available in ...
Performance optimization

Simple performance optimizations to make the game run as smoothly as possible. Potato mode is also included. How to run: unpack to this path SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Starfield.
Move or disable experience bar

Removes or disables the annoying experience bar in the center of the screen. How to run: unpack this path documents/my games/starfield.
Skip launch video

Instantly skips the Bethesda video seen when starting the game. How to run: unpack to this path C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Starfield.
Disabling Message of the Day

Disables the Message of the Day field in the main menu. How to run: unpack ini to Documents/My Games/Starfield.
Disable intro

A simple mod that disables intro videos.