The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Complete Edition — the most complete edition The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, including all expansions, add-ons The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine... Read more
Realistic colors

Realistic colors Reshade. In my humble opinion, I was able to capture more realistic tones than the original game. The nights are also darker and the days are lighter, I hope you enjoy it! Installation: Download Reshade from and install i ...

ReShade is a universal post-processing injector for games and video software developed by crosire. Imagine your favorite game with background occlusion, real depth of field effects, color correction and more... ReShade provides an automatic and unive ...
Less yellow, more natural

Less Yellow More Natural - Vanilla Lighting Tweak. Reduce the yellow tint of the sun and reduce oversaturation slightly. The author tried to balance the color of the sun throughout the day, making it a more neutral, whiter shade without changing the ...
Lightweight graphics

Master Witcher Reshade. A lighter version of the original plus Reshade, aimed at maintaining the same fantasy feel as the original game, but with minor changes. Installation: 1 Download Reshade 5.0+ and load my preset first. 2 The preinstallation ...
True photorealism

the true photorealism. Many will think that this is just another remake, but whoever downloads it will be surprised. I made a reshade based on pictures from Unreal Engine 5 in terms of color, clarity, etc.
Bright days

Brighter Days. Makes the game brighter on sunny days. Installation: 1. Unzip the file 2. Place the files in Games/The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt (there are 3 files in the zip archive, you can delete any of them and the mod will still work).
Realistic reshade

Realistic Reshade For Benis Immersive Lightning. Hello, I would like to introduce you to my next Reshade preset. This Reshade is designed for Benis IL, but can also be used for classic Immersive Lightning or Immersive Lightning Nudel. Installation G ...
Justice League Reshade

Zack Snyders Justice League Reshade Preset For The Witcher 3. Hello, I would like to introduce you to my next Reshade preset. This Reshade is designed for Benis No Fog FX IL, but can also be used for classic Immersive Lightning or Immersive Lightning ...
Graphic overhaul

BlitzFX. A graphical overhaul that integrates modern rendering technologies into The Witcher 3. Features: - Soft pin shadows - Screen space contact and distant shadows - HDR bloom and motion blur - Improved water rendering - Improved sun renderin ...
Modern rendering

Blitz FX. A graphical overhaul that integrates modern rendering technologies into The Witcher 3. Now compatible with ReShade. Features: - Soft contact shadows. - Screen space contact shadows. - HDR bloom and motion blur. - Improved water rendering ...
Bright lighting

Bright and Vibrant Reshade for Immersive Lighting. An absolutely gorgeous lighting mod, but my eyes can't handle the deep shadows, dull colors, and darker atmosphere. I know a lot of people prefer this look, but I need bright, vibrant visuals for my ...
Photorealism with highest performance

Aeonic 2021 - Photorealism with Extreme Performance. This ReShade aims to bring photorealistic color tones while maintaining playability, without the use of obtrusive lighting mods, using techniques I've tried and tested, along with custom LUT proces ...
Realistic colors

Enhanced Reshade for Witcher 3 (update). This change makes the world of the Witcher more realistic. Installation: 1. Download and install the latest version of the Reshade framework. 2. Download, extract and paste the file into /The Witcher 3 Wil ...
New animations with full control

Complete Animations. This is an animation package for common actions that should have animations like drinking, eating, applying oil, etc. With full control over them in the mod menu. ...
Realistic color change

Apex Realistic Reshade. Realistic colors and visual effects for The Witcher 3. With bright skies and very natural earth tones and vegetation.