The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Complete Edition — the most complete edition The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, including all expansions, add-ons The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine... Read more
Disable notifications for books read

Original title: No Pop-Up for Read Books - Next-Gen. Game edition: Next-Gen. The mod hides the notification for already read books and documents and displays it only for new items. Also fixed was a bug where the “Quest Reward” sound notification wou ...
Dynamic minimap

Dynamic Minimap. Dynamically hides the minimap, leaving only the clock and weather conditions visible. Except when you are playing as Ciri or using Roach or the boat for in-game reasons. Installation: 1 Unzip and drag everything into the main Witc ...
Eredin main menu

Eredin Main Menu. This mod replaces all main menu videos with animated images of premium Eredin cards from offline Gwent.
Corrections to quest locations in the journal

Side Quest Location Fixes. Fixed the location of several side quest log entries.
Quest Log Fix

Scavenger Hunt Location Fixes. This mod is similar to my treasure hunt Velen location fixes and my side quest location fixes. CDPR incorrectly assigned journal locations to several quests in the game. Among them were several witcher hunters. The loca ...
Setting up the interface

Friendly HUD. This mod offers many options for customizing the HUD modules, and also adds 3D markers for quests and NPC tracking, as well as making several improvements to the game's menus. You can use all mod options or disable those you don't need. ...
Rectangular minimap

Rectangular Minimap. A modern take on the classic round minimap. This mod turns the standard round radar into a rectangular one.
All quest objectives on the map

All Quest Objectives On Map. Displays on the map all objectives for all active quests of the player. Like tracking multiple quests at the same time. You can also change the currently tracked target without going into the quest menu. If desired, you c ...
XP display

Show Kill XP. This mod shows how much XP you got for killing an enemy, the same way you see XP gained for completing quests and the like. The kit comes with two mod options: - Offline - if you always want to see how much XP you get from killing e ...