A noir mod has been released for Fallout 4 with voice acting, new quests, consequences of choices and a boss from the third part

A player with the nickname The Moddinggoat found the Silver Shroud quest line from Fallout 4 not interesting enough and decided to add his own mod. Now the Survivor can fully take on the role of a defender of justice, immerse himself in a noir atmosphere and face a «reimagined» enemy from Fallout 3.

According to the creator, The New Adventures of The Silver Shroud mod brings back dialog boxes from previous installments that will allow the player to make «choices that matter.» In the new line of quests with voiced characters, Silver Shroud will have to conduct a detective investigation in order to ultimately meet the enemy from the third game.

To launch the addon, you must complete the «Silver Shroud» quest from the base game and wait four days, then tune in to radio wave 19.8. For the mod to work correctly, you will need a next-gen version of Fallout 4, all DLC, the F4SE script extender, and several auxiliary addons. The author also recommends starting the quest only at level 35+.

You can download The New Adventures of The Silver Shroud here.

Let us remind you that modders recently added a real-life location to Fallout 4.

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