Guides Walkthrough for All That Glitters is a Stranger in Red Dead Redemption 2 — Treasure Map and Guide

Walkthrough for All That Glitters is a Stranger in Red Dead Redemption 2 — Treasure Map and Guide

Vladislav Sham
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In Red Dead Redemption 2, you can undertake the mission All That Glitters is a Stranger, which involves hunting for hidden treasures.

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  • Quest Giver: Máximo Cristóbal Valdespino
  • Where to Get the Quest: southwest of Horseshoe Overlook Camp
  • Requirements: none
  • Reward: 2 gold bars (each worth $500)

The quest giver is very close to the first Gang Horseshoe Overlook camp, on a plateau overlooking the Dakota River. Máximo has come to the United States in search of riches. He will offer to sell a treasure map for $10, as he must leave the country quickly.

The First Treasure

The first treasure is nearby, north of where we received the quest. We need Caliban's Ridge. Approach it from the north to find a way to the top. Walk along the cliff and find the second map.

The Second Treasure

The second treasure is north of the first. Cotorra Springs in the state of Ambarino (Ambarino). We need one of the stone pyramids.

The Third Treasure

The last part of the treasure is east of the previous one. Find Lake O'Creagh's Run in Grizzlies East. The treasure will be on a small island in the center. Find a couple of gold bars that can be sold for $1000.

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