Legendary Animals in Red Dead Redemption 2: How and Where to Find Them

In Red Dead Redemption 2, hunting plays a very important role. Meat is useful for feeding the gang, and pelts are needed to craft equipment. Also, from the skins of legendary animals, you can make unique items.
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- Legendary Animals in Red Dead Redemption 2: How and Where to Find Them
Legendary animals are stronger, have more health, and visually, they are almost indistinguishable from their counterparts. In Red Dead Redemption 2, there are fifteen types of legendary animals. Some of them you will find as part of the story. At the beginning of the game, you can get a map showing their approximate location.
In the second chapter, Hosea will send you on a hunt. You will need to find a legendary bear. After this mission, you will receive the map. Killing all the animals can earn you the achievements Skin Deep and Zoologist. To avoid damaging the pelt, it is best to use a bow for hunting.
Each legendary animal can only be killed once, as they are unique. Be sure to collect all the loot, otherwise, you will not be able to sell it and make money. But if you die on the way and the pelt disappears, do not be too upset. Special items for the pelt will still appear at the trader in the store.
The game will carefully warn you if such an animal is near you. Also, on the map, we indicated where each legendary animal is located in the game.
Rare pelts and other trophies can be taken to the Trapper in Saint Denis to get unique items of clothing and accessories that will help you stand out from the crowd.
You need to find sixteen legendary animals, three of which are located in a «special» area of the map. We described them at the end of the guide. If you are afraid of spoilers, then return to the guide after completing certain stages of the game.
Legendary White Bison
The bison lives in the cold regions of Lake Isabella, north of Grizzlies West. Take warm clothes before heading to the cold region, otherwise, Arthur may not withstand the journey. The bison's trail usually appears on the slopes near the frozen lake. A powerful rifle is the only way to deal with such large prey.
The first clue is fur on a rock by the shoreline. At the top of the hill to the east of the first clue, you can notice dung. Head east along the shore to discover broken branches.
Legendary Buck
The buck roams the fading forests of Big Valley, a few minutes' drive from Strawberry. A rifle will help you kill this noble animal with just one shot to the heart.
The first clue (fur) can be noticed between the area's border and the moose figure on the map. Follow the trail to the second clue (dung), and then to the third (dung again). The beast is non-aggressive but very fast and can run far.
Legendary Big Horn Ram
The rams graze east of Cattail Pond, located a few minutes' drive from Valentine.
The first clue is dung, which will lead you to a tree to the south of the location. Look for fur and follow the trail. The ram usually patrols the nearest hill and runs away as soon as it senses your scent or if you deliver a non-fatal blow. A couple of headshots with a bow will help you take down this legendary animal.
Legendary Wolf
The wolf lives among the geysers of Cotorra Springs, southwest of the Wapiti Indian camp.
The first clue is located above the wolf's head on the map. Find three clues (dung, fur, and a carcass), after which the battle will start. Climb the nearest ledge, equip a sniper rifle, and survey the location. One accurate shot to the heart should take down the wolf.
Legendary Bharati Grizzly Bear
The legendary bear is much more lethal than its kin. You will first encounter it in the second chapter, during the mission Exit Pursued by a Bruised Ego.
By this point, you'll likely only have a pistol and a bow in your arsenal, so you probably won't be able to handle the beast. Return to the hunting ground later, when Arthur's arsenal includes a Springfield or Rolling Block Rifle.
To track down this legendary animal, you only need two clues, not three as usual. Its lair is located next to the mountain, at the top of a narrow path. Four accurate shots are required for victory.
Legendary Moose
The moose enjoys wandering near the lake, not far from Roanoke Ridge. The first clue is on a tree next to the road if you enter the animal's habitat from the northwest. Run along the trail to dung, and then to fur.
The animal itself is not aggressive, so either use the Dead Eye skill or just make three to four headshots with a bow.
Legendary Beaver
The animal lives near a small dam on the riverbank at Butcher Creek, which is located to the west of Van Horn Trading Post.
Inspect the coast southwest of Huron Glen. Find branches, dung, and a few more broken sticks. After that, return to the water, where the beaver should appear. A single headshot will be enough to deal with it.
Legendary Boar
The boar can be found in the swamps north of Lagras, in the Lemoyne region. Although the animal is non-aggressive, it can easily kill your character.
Reach the marker on the map and find a herd of boars. Do not disturb them and inspect the area to find the first clue (dung). From there, follow to broken branches and another pile of dung.
Legendary Fox
Head to Mattock Pond, north of the city of Rhodes. The first clue is always in the bushes (dung). Before going over the other side of the hill, find a few more clues (dung, broken branches, and fur). Once you do this, go down to the shore and find the fox.
Legendary Coyote
This predator can be seen in Scarlett Meadows. The animal doesn't pose a significant threat, but it's very easy to scare away.
Look for the first clue in the grove. Examine dung, then follow to fur. Finally, walk along the trail to a sheep carcass. The coyote is located near the watering hole behind the last clue. Allow it to approach one of the carcasses and use a sniper rifle.
Legendary Elk
The elk resides in the Cumberland Forest area, east of Bacchus Station.
We recommend starting your search on the hill north of the railway tracks. Find dung, a tree, and fur to track down the animal. If you get too close, the elk will run away. Try to make several headshots with a bow or sniper rifle to kill it.
Legendary Alligator
This gigantic swamp monster is located in Bayou Nwa, west of Lakay and just a few minutes' drive from Saint Denis. To find the alligator, you first need to complete the story mission Country Pursuits in Chapter 4. However, some players reported that the hunt didn't start even after completing the mission and revisiting the location. If you couldn't find the animal, return here after the beginning of Chapter 6.
Examine the first clue, which is marked on the map with a question mark. After you find the remaining clues (broken branches and two carcasses), the strongest animal in the game will appear before you. Try not to get too close and use a sniper rifle.
Legendary Giaguaro Panther
The Giaguaro Panther is the most elusive animal in the game. You will have to spend a lot of time before you can proudly bring the skin of this beast to a hunter in Saint Denis. The Panther only appears after you reach the 9th rank of the Master Hunter Challenges.
You can spot the animal to the west of Shady Belle in Lemoyne. Take a rifle and a shotgun for the hunt. Also, use special means to hide your scent before venturing out.
There is no suitable cover in the specified region, so make a headshot with a sniper rifle, switch to a revolver or shotgun, and activate Dead Eye mode. Additionally, you will need to slow down, as the panther can pounce and kill the hero with a single strike.
Legendary Cougar
The cougar can be encountered near Gaptooth Ridge in New Austin.
This legendary animal is one of the most challenging mainly because it quickly covers great distances and can withstand a lot of damage. Be sure to buy Cover Scent Lotion before going on the hunt. Using Snake Oil will also help, as it temporarily improves your Dead Eye skill. For weapons, we recommend choosing a rifle and a shotgun.
Find all three clues (dung, blood, carcass) and prepare for the upcoming battle. Use the Eagle Eye mode to follow the trail and catch the animal on a hill among the bushes. Shoot in the head with a sniper rifle. Switch to a shotgun and activate Dead Eye to finish it off. If you make even a single mistake, the cougar will tear the hero to pieces.
Legendary Pronghorn
You can spot the animal near Rio Del Lobo Rock in the Rio Bravo region. Don't forget to buy a lotion or oil to hide the hero's scent before hunting.
Follow the three clues (fur, dung, fur) and find the trail that will lead you to the pronghorn. Spotting it is not difficult—the white fur stands out against the bushes and trees. When you're ready, make two precise shots to the head.
Legendary Tatanka Bison
The bison grazes to the northwest of Manteca Falls in New Austin. Despite its large size, the animal will likely run away as soon as you start shooting. Use a sniper rifle, a carbine with a scope, or a bow. Try to aim for the head and shoot from the side. Four accurate shots should suffice to complete the mission.
Follow all three clues (dung, broken branches, fur), and it will appear nearby. The carcass is too large to carry whole, so you will have to skin it on the spot.
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