Nobodies: Murder cleaner Walkthrough — how to complete all missions at 100%

Nobodies: Murder cleaner is a popular puzzle game for mobile devices where you take on the role of a cleaner for elite assassins. Players must dispose of the victims and cover up the tracks. In this guide, we will describe a detailed walkthrough of all missions.

Operation 1: Quick Cleanup

Pick up the key, body, and trowel. Use the key on the metal box to get a wrench. Near the exit, take the cement and bucket. In the cart, pick up the sand. Use the wrench on the faucet and fill the bucket with water. Throw the sand and cement into the concrete mixer, then pour in the water.

Combine the cement with the trowel. Place the corpse in the concrete structure and fold its legs. Cement the body.

Covering Tracks

  1. Put the trowel next to the concrete structure.
  2. Place the wrench in the box and close it.
  3. Set the bucket next to the faucet.

Operation 2: Antwoord

At the start of the mission, do not touch the body!

Take the pipette from the table. Open the drawer on the wall to the left of the table and examine two cans. Use the pipette on the depressant. Put on the lab coat and leave the room.

To the left sits a guard. Take the cup of coffee. Combine the coffee with the pipette to get «coffee with substance.» Put the glass back in its place. The guard will drink it and fall asleep. Pick up the pipe and pass under the guard. Use the pass on the locked door, enter the aquarium control room.

Take the yellow pipe in hand, use it on the valve to the left. Open the aquarium, return to the laboratory, and pick up the body. Throw it into the aquarium, close the shutters. Turn the valve until it says «The aquarium is full of water again.»

Covering Tracks

  1. Return to the corridor, lock the door with the key card, place it next to the guard. Leave the pipe here too.
  2. Leave the lab coat, and put the pipette on the table.

Operation: Hot Steel

Open the motorcycle seat, take the battery. Enter the building, pick up a screwdriver, wire, and rope. Return outside. Use the screwdriver on the old column. Connect the wire, column, and battery to get a metal detector. Use it on the minefield.

We're faced with several forks. Only proceed through the forks where the metal detector is silent, and the red light doesn't turn on.

Reach the base, immediately take the hose on the red barrel and open the door to the MI-26 helicopter. This will require playing a mini-game. Note that you only have 99 moves to solve the puzzle. After that, the helicopter will explode.

In the helicopter, take the body, pliers, can, and bullets from the box over the bed. Exit the helicopter, enter the foundry. On the floor, find a brush, open the valve to supply gas. Return back to the very first location. Use the pliers on the motorcycle, take the spark plug. Connect the spark plug with the metal brush.

Go through the foundry to the inner courtyard. Connect the UAZ and tank with a chain. Open the hood, use the spark plug on the engine. Start the UAZ with the screwdriver, drive the tank away. Pick up the tank track from the ground. Open the fuel tank, insert the hose into it. Place the can on the hose's end and fill it with gasoline to get a can of gasoline. Then, insert the rope into it. Return to the helicopter.

In the helicopter, turn on the gas stove, use the can with the wick on it to get a burner. Proceed to the foundry. Ignite the furnace with the burner, use the pliers on the bullets to get gunpowder. Fix the conveyor belt with the tank track, place the body on the belt, and start it. The body falls into the furnace, but that's not enough. Throw the gunpowder in there.

Covering Tracks

  1. Turn off the furnace, place the metal brush on the floor in the foundry, exit to the helicopter.
  2. Leave the hose on the red barrel. Arrange the can and pliers inside the helicopter.
  3. Don't forget to turn off the stove when leaving the helicopter!
  4. Disassemble the metal detector into three parts using the screwdriver.
  5. Place the battery in the motorcycle's trunk, close it.
  6. Attach the column to the wall, and place the screwdriver, wire, and rope inside the building.

Operation 3: Late Departure

Close the room door, take the hanging signs from the handle. Also, take the nearby bed backrest. Exit the room, use the «Do Not Disturb» sign on our room's handle and the «Cleaning» sign on the neighboring room's handle.

Go up the stairs and inspect the hanging box on the roof. Take the pliers, but do not use them on the wires yet. Go into the room. Use the pliers on the TV to get a splitter. Return to the roof, use the splitter on cable «5».

Return to the floor, take the keys from the cleaner's trolley and open the door on the left with them. Also, steal the cover from the trolley. Return the keys and enter the door. In the pull-out drawer, pick up a fuse, use the pliers on the faucet handle to take it.

Go up to the roof, install the bed backrest instead of the ladder and reach the barrel. Attach the valve to the pipe, close the water. Return to the floor, get into the elevator.

Insert the fuse into the trash compactor. Take the body and the blood-stained sheet. Cover the bed with the regular cover. Place the remains in the trash chute in the room opposite our room. Close the lid behind you, get back in the elevator and use the trash compactor.

Covering Tracks

  1. Open the valve on the roof, use the pliers and take the handle from the valve.
  2. Return the bed backrest and the splitter from the wall box, also place the pliers there.
  3. In the room on the left, leave the handle on the sink's valve.
  4. Close all doors! In the room, return the bed backrest and the splitter to their original places.

Operation 4: Stockade

Head to the kitchen (door on the left). Check the calendar, remember the birthday (6684). Return to the hallway, press on the painting and open the safe using this password.

In the safe, we find keys. They can be used to open the door in the kitchen. Enter the garage, take the pliers, paint, and key. Move

We return to the kitchen and inspect it: we take the body, bleach in the cupboard, and rubber gloves. If we cannot pick up the gloves now, we will do it later. In the fridge, we find an empty bottle and fill it with water.

We proceed to the living room. We open the door with the key from the garage. We pick up a pickaxe here and open the electrical panel. We apply the wire to the panel. At this moment, the hero will warn that he will not work with live wires without insulation. We use the gloves.

We connect the wires, and the pump drains the water from the pool. We interact with the pool, apply the pickaxe to it. We place the body in the hole. Next to the entrance to the garage, we pick up a bag of cement. In the inventory, we combine cement and water, and with the resulting mixture, we fill the hole in the pool (do not forget to put the body here first). We apply the paint and activate the pump.

Covering Tracks

  1. We place the cement on the shelf next to the entrance to the garage.
  2. We leave the bleach, can, and gloves in the kitchen.
  3. We put the pickaxe back in the basement, and we also take the cable there.
  4. We lay out the paint and pliers in the garage. We leave the basement key, after locking the basement door with it!
  5. The shelf in the basement needs to be moved back to its place.
  6. We lock the door to the inner courtyard and put the key in the safe.

Operation: Vicious Spirit

We appear in the church. On the floor, we pick up a green crucifix and a body. Here, we also take the light bulb on the wall. We head to the corridor and enter the door on the right, into the room with books. We find gloves, a hex key, and interact with the box.

We have to solve a small puzzle. We do this and take the master key. We exit to the corridor, on the right we pick up a candelabrum and a pot. With the master key, we open the far left door.

On the floor, we pick up a chisel, a letter on the table, a knife in the drawer, and a mirror on the wall. We use the chisel on the wall by the bed, inspect the hole, and take the red crucifix. We return to the main hall of the church.

Use the hex key on the organ, we see eight hoses. Connect the candelabrum to the seventh hose from the left (or second from the right). Press the keys. A slip of paper flies out of the organ. Move to the right side of the hall, use the master key to open the glass door and take the gem-heart.

Return to the bedroom. Interact with the device on the table by the door. Insert into it the light bulb, mirror, gem, and paper. We see symbols on the wall.

  • V — red;
  • XI — blue;
  • I — yellow;
  • X — green.

Return to the study, use the obtained combination on the books. The bookcase moves aside. Insert the two crucifixes into the bas-relief: green — on the left, red — on the right. Turn both crucifixes, opening the passage to the crypt.

Exit to the corridor, head to the belfry. Move the stone under the bell, place the flower pot next to it. Lower the bell, use the knife on the rope. Take the rope into inventory and return to the main hall. Descend into the crypt. Use the rope on the gate system, then apply gloves to the rope.

Covering Tracks

  1. Hide the body and close the sarcophagus lid.
  2. Take the rope, leave the crypt.
  3. Collect all items from the device in the bedroom: light bulb, gem, paper, mirror.
  4. In this room, leave the envelope, chisel, knife, red crucifix, and mirror.
  5. In the main hall, place the paper in the organ, close it with the hex key. Insert the gem into the statue, put the green crucifix on the floor. Screw the light bulb into the lamp.
  6. In the study, put gloves and hex key back in their places. Move the bookcase back to its position.
  7. In the belfry, attach the rope to the bell, raise it. Take the flower pot, put the stone back in its place.
  8. Return the flower pot and candelabrum to the corridor.

Operation 5: Bucket on Wheels

Take the hook from the victim's head and a spray can. Outside, apply the paint to the car and break the window. Get inside. Open the box to the left of the steering wheel and disconnect the red fuses.

Here, activate all the fuses of other colors. This will allow us to open the trunk. Place the victim's body inside. In the glove compartment, take the coins. Use them in the payphone and dial «555-5185“ to call a tow truck.

We find ourselves at the dump. In the container on the right, we pick up a cable. From the container itself, we take out meat. Combine the cable and hook, then apply them to the wall on the left.

At the dump, we take a fire extinguisher and a screwdriver. We unscrew the airbag, place it on the window, and inflate it using the fire extinguisher.

We take the battery from the trailer and examine the sheet of paper with the combination ”6-12-9-12-3-3-12», where:

  • 12 — up;
  • 3 — right;
  • 6 — down;
  • 9 — left.

Using it, we open the sliding cabinet and obtain a key.

We apply the battery to the forklift, after which we need to solve a small puzzle. We need to load the painted car into the recycler. It should end up as shown in the screenshot below. When the car is on the conveyor, we approach the control block and insert the key into the lock. First, we open the gates (green button), then turn on the recycler.

Covering Tracks

  1. We take the key from the control block and the battery from the forklift.
  2. We put back the airbag, screwdriver, and fire extinguisher in their places.
  3. In the trailer, we place the battery and key. We close the sliding cabinet.
  4. We put the grate on the window.
  5. We lower the bulldozer's bucket, throw the grappling hook into the trash bin.

Operation 6: Cold Rage

We pick up cartridges in front of the house, as well as a map and machete in the cabin. We inspect the car: in the glove compartment, we take a lighter and a wallet, and also a key in the visor.

We insert the key into the ignition lock and drive to the gas station:

  1. Left.
  2. Right.
  3. Straight.
  4. Straight.
  5. Left.
  6. Left.

We use the wallet to fill up the car. We use the machete on the tarp with logs and return to the hunting cabin (you can interact with the map). We put the victim in the trunk, covering the body with the tarp. Outside, we inspect the annex and take a pickaxe.

Using the map, we move to the police checkpoint, after which:

  1. Right.
  2. Straight.
  3. Left.
  4. Straight.
  5. Right.

Arriving at the port, we break the ice with the pickaxe and take a anchor. We combine the anchor with the body, immerse it in water. We also throw the cartridges there.

Covering Tracks

  1. We put the wallet and lighter in the glove compartment.
  2. At the gas station, we leave the tarp.
  3. We bring the machete and map back to the cabin.
  4. We put the pickaxe in the tool box
  5. Place the van key in the driver's side sun visor.
  6. Additionally: if you accidentally picked up firewood near the house, put it in the fireplace.

Operation 7: Private Collection

Pick up the map from the table, examine the fountain and get a coin. Proceed to the right passage and retrieve a crocodile tooth. There's a guy standing on the left. Talk to him and learn about the problem with the vending machine. Go upstairs and throw the coin into the candy machine. Select product «D1“. Take the chocolate bar and exchange it for gum with the guy.

Return to the central hall, go left. Use the tooth on the switchboard next to the door, turn off the ”B1» switch. The light in the hall will go out, take the pass from the guard. With it, open the central door and return the map.

Examine the body and get the master pass. Enter the code «185679» to the safe, pick up the key. Go up to the floor with the machine and open the door to the storeroom. Here, find a suit, primitive clothing, ink cartridge, and a postcard.

Return and take the body of the victim. Use the pass on the door to the left, place the corpse on the table. Take the syringe on the table and formaldehyde from the top shelf. Connect the hose to the corpse. Turn on the pump to drain the blood. Pour it down the sink.

Fill the syringe with red paint, pour formaldehyde into the empty tank and add the solution from the syringe. Put gum in the victim's mouth, place the tank back and press «Pump“.

Walk through the central hall and go up to the third floor. Try to replace one of the cavemen, but at that moment, a dialogue with the museum worker will start. Answer ”James McCarthy». Place the club in the victim's hand.

Covering Tracks

  1. Return to the taxidermy preparation room. Open the autoclave and put the wax figure inside. Close the lid, get the wax. Throw it in the trash bin.
  2. Also, empty the syringe in the sink (if it contains paint). Place it and the can of formaldehyde there. Lock the door with the master pass.
  3. In the upstairs storeroom, leave the postcard, cartridge, spear, and form. Lock the door with the key.
  4. In the scientist's office, place the keys in the safe, lock the door from the outside and slide the pass under the door.
  5. Return the tooth to the alligator's mouth, and the map to the table in front of the guard.

Operation 8: Aerial Risk

Pick up the knife and head to the right. Enter the area through the gates. Here we see three airplanes that need to be refueled. To do this, we connect a hose and a grounding cable to each of them. Put everything in its place.

Head to the left. Find a grill spatula, with its help pick up smoldering coals from the grill. Close the grill and put the spatula back in place.

Move to the left and combine the coal with the car. The guard will be distracted, and we'll sneak into the office. Read the to-do list on the wall. Examine the coat and find prohibited substances. Mix them into the mug on the table.

Interrogate the worker, learn the combination for the code lock. He will tell about leprechauns and name the numbers. It should be noted that the code is different for all playthroughs. Return to the grill and use the password. In the room, take the film, loader, and cross wrench from the table. Lift all boxes off the scales and load them into the airplanes (need to distribute by colors).

Return to the victim. Use the wrench on the tractor wheel, wrap the corpse in film, and place it inside. Move the body to the runway. Now detach the victim from the wheel and place it in the red airplane along with the knife.

Covering Tracks

  1. Leave the loader, wrench, and film in the room with the scales.
  2. Return the tire to the tractor.
  3. To achieve the highest rank, you need to read the to-do list on the board in the office. If this is not done, you will see the message «A cartel member noticed that not all tasks were completed.»

Operation 9: Bunny

Head to the right. From the trunk, take a jack, then find a box and a ladder. In the house, there is a wrench, tape, rotten apple, knife, bottle, weight, cassette, and a polyethylene bag.

Open the hood of the red car and unscrew the battery with the wrench. To the right of the house, there is a location. Fill the bottle with water and take a can from under the sardines, before leaving, fill it with mud. Move to the left, place the jack under the fence and sneak onto the prison territory. Here we find a box with wires. Use the knife and return the jack to its place.

While the guard is distracted, cut the wires with the knife and short them with the battery. In the guardhouse, pick up a key and a lighter. Combine the key and the can with mud to get a key and lighter. Combine the key and the can with mud to get a key impression. Put the key back in its place!

Run into the house. Light the fireplace with the lighter and add the weight. Pour the melted weight into the key impression, obtaining a lead key. Don't forget to extinguish the fire with water! Use the key to open the sewer grate, go inside. Pick up a stick, combine it with the box and place it on the ground. Put the apple inside, pick up a rat.

Place the ladder against the right wall, push the rat into the grate. Loosen it with the wrench and climb up. Use the cassette on the player and press the record button. After that, press «Play». Open cell «2» in block «4».

Take the ladder and run forward through the tunnel. On the right, there is an ascent leading to the utility room. Take paint and acid here. Place the ladder at the ventilation grate on the right and loosen it with the wrench. Then follow:

  1. Left.
  2. Straight.
  3. Right.
  4. Right.
  5. Right.

Enter cell «2», take the body and apply acid to the toilet. Move the toilet, push the victim into the hole. Here, apply the can of paint. Put the toilet back in place, return. Screw the grate back on, pick up the ladder. Return the acid and paint to their places.

Go down. From the nearest pipe, we see paint — use the wrench and retrieve the body of the victim. Again, use the wrench to connect the pipes.

Run to the house. Place the body in the grinder, apply the bag and turn it on. Pour the remains to the pigs.

Covering Tracks

  1. Put the battery under the car hood, close the hood and the trunk.
  2. Return to the security room, close the cell, take the cassette.
  3. Use the lead key on the sewer grate.
  4. Leave the wrench and knife in the house.
  5. Grind the cassette and lead key in the grinder.
  6. Place the ladder next to the house.

Operation 10: Bad Medicine

Talk to the nurse and go through the door straight ahead. In the first room, take the wrench and duct tape from the cabinet. In the corridor, remove the cap from the water tank. In the second room, take the bandage and screwdriver from the cabinet.

Return to the hall. Place the tank cap on the donation box. Outside, tape the sign and flip it using the wrench. Enter and exit. The nurse will look away, allowing you to pick up the key, coin, and tank cap.

Follow the corridor to the vending machine. Place the cap back on the water tank. Use the coin on the machine, take the candies. Use the key on the doctor's office door. From the table, take business cards, combine them with the chocolate. Return the business cards to their place and leave the box at the reception.

Use the screwdriver to open the door in the corridor. Pick up the UV lamp and unscrew the bolts on the grate to the left. Here, read the codes of the discharge (0200) and death certificates (3323).

Return to the doctor's office. Turn off the light, use the UV lamp on the terminal. You will see the password «1578». Print two certificates for patient «7475» (codes 0200 and 3323). Then, print one certificate for patient «6274» (code 0200).

Currently, you can only take two certificates. The third will remain in the terminal for now. Proceed to the room with two patients and attach the discharge certificate (green) to the patient on the right (marked «A»). Run to the first room, take the body and place it where the discharged patient was lying. Attach the death certificate (red) to the bed. Be sure to bandage the victim's face!

Retrieve the last certificate left in the terminal. Hang it on the bed in the first room.

Proceed to the morgue. Place the UV lamp on the table and put the body in the bottom right refrigerator.

Covering Tracks

  1. Leave the UV lamp in the surgery room. Close the ventilation grate.
  2. Lock the surgery room door with the screwdriver.
  3. Run outside. Fix the sign: remove the tape and use the wrench.
  4. In the first room, leave the wrench and duct tape. Close the cabinet.
  5. Place the screwdriver in the cabinet in the second room. Also, close the door.
  6. In the doctor's office, end the session on the computer. Lock the door with the key. Leave the key at the reception.

Operation 11: Cow Catcher

Pick up the paperclip on the floor and talk to the woman. Ask her about the reading material. Go downstairs, use the paperclip on the men's restroom door and pick up the toilet paper. Move down, enter the women's restroom. Also, take the paper and apply both rolls to the toilet. Flood it with water.

Proceed to the third carriage. The far door on the left is the office. Report that the women's restroom is flooding. Run to the second carriage. Take the cap from the table, pills and money from the backpack. From the drawer, retrieve the suitcase. Close the drawer.

Head to carriage «5». On the way, ask the bartender for a rag. Place the suitcase next to the grate in the fifth carriage and talk to the man. Offer to call the conductor. Return to the office. Retrieve the list, pen, sign, and key from the drawer.

Hang the sign on the door of the men's restroom. In the women's restroom, pick up the bleach. Return to the bar and buy two flasks of vodka. Mix sleeping pills into one of them. Pour out the other one in the women's restroom and fill it with water. Give the first flask to the woman, then use the second one. She will fall asleep, and you will get the book.

In the third carriage, talk to the old man. Offer to exchange books with him. After doing so, use the pen to change the carriage number and seats on the ticket (2-21). Give the old man the ticket and move the victim's body to his seat. Use bleach on the rag to clean the blood in the restroom. Turn the body and put the cap on it.

Run to the fifth carriage and open the doors to the sixth carriage. Here, also use the key. Contact the dispatcher (train 8702, sector 48).

Return to the sixth carriage. Take the rope, open the door on the left, and climb onto the roof. Tie the rope and hook the corpse.

Pull the body onto the roof, retrieve it and place it in the pipe. Tie the pipe with a rope and drop it from the train.

Covering Tracks

  1. Close the side door and the doors to carriages 5 and 6 with a key.
  2. Return the rag to the bartender.
  3. Give the old man back his book. Also, place the cap on the table, the pills and money in the backpack.
  4. Give the list, pen, and bleach to the conductor.
  5. Throw the keys out the window.
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