How to Repair Equipment in No Rest For The Wicked

In No Rest For The Wicked, there is a complex item durability system that depends not on the damage received but on the number of character deaths. In this guide, we will explain how you can repair weapons and armor. We will also share information on what materials are needed for repair, where to find them, and how to effectively use them to restore your equipment.
How to Repair Equipment in No Rest For The Wicked
In No Rest For The Wicked, you will often break your equipment. As we have already noted, the condition of the gear depends on the number of deaths — with each death, the wear and tear on armor and weapons will increase until the item completely breaks. However, even in this case, it can be repaired.
To do this, you need to find a blacksmith named Fillmore. He is located in the dining hall of the Sea Fortress, and for a fee, he can restore your weapon or armor. In the early stages, this is the only and most reliable way to solve the problem with item wear.
To get to this area, you first have to find the dining hall key. You can search the corpse that is marked on the map. Run to the large bonfire in the center of the fortress and pass by the dining hall. On the wooden planks, there will be a body, examining which, you will get the key.
After opening the dining hall with the obtained key, deal with the soldiers bothering Fillmore, then talk to him. This way, you will gain access to the blacksmith's repair services. There are only two options available: Repair all or Repair equipped. You will have to pay a certain amount of money for the repair.
Besides the blacksmith, you can try to restore a certain amount of durability to any item using Repair Powder. A small jar of this substance will add 50 durability points to all equipped items. It can be found in some chests or destructible items, such as barrels. However, there is no specific loot spawn at the moment — they are found randomly in the open world.
How Durability Works
In No Rest For The Wicked, the equipment wear mechanic is related to the number of your character's deaths, not to the damage received in combat. Each time you respawn at a Cerim Whisper point, you may notice that the condition of your armor and weapons deteriorates. This is displayed by colored symbols on the inventory screen: yellow signifies moderate damage, orange — serious, and red indicates critical damage and the proximity to complete breakdown.
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