How to Become a Fire Breather in Fallout 76 — Answers to the Into the Fire Quest Test

In Fallout 76, there are many side quests that make exploring the world even more interesting. One of them is joining the ranks of the Fire Breathers — a special group of firefighters tasked with exterminating the Scorched.
First and foremost, you need to reach the Charleston Fire Department, where a friendly firefighter Protectron will greet the player. It will offer to enter the building to join the Fire Breathers. That's when the quest begins, the first task of which is to pass the test on the training terminal inside the station.
Completing the Fire Breathers Test
For those deeply immersing themselves in the game, it's recommended to simply explore the building — there are notes containing the answers to all the test questions. However, if you want to quickly complete the quest and receive the reward — below we have published the answers to the terminal test. Note that the answers to the test may change places. It is strongly recommended to match the text of the answer with the number before selecting.
- You are walking through a tunnel when suspicious gas starts leaking, and you don't have a breathing apparatus. What do you do? Answer: 3. Evacuate as quickly as possible;
- In a smoke-filled building, your breathing apparatus fails. What from this list will best replace it? Answer: 2. A wet cloth;
- One of your Fire Breather comrades has been burned. Touching the burn is painful, but no blisters form. You have applied a cold compress. What should you do next? Answer: 1. Carefully wrap the burn with clean bandages;
- While exploring a collapsed mine, the group leader flashes their helmet light three times. What does this mean? Answer: 2. Retreat immediately;
- One of your partners has been infected with lung sludge. Which of the following sets of ingredients, boiled together, can be used as a cure? Answer: 3. Half a liter of purified water, 2 ash roses, 2 mushrooms, 2 soot flowers;
- You come across a group of Scorched brandishing sticks. What course of action is the ONLY correct one? Answer: 2. Retreat and attack with ranged firearms;
- You have captured a Scorched prisoner. Suddenly, you recognize them as your childhood friend. What do you do? Answer: 3. Put them down as mercifully as possible.
When the player correctly answers the test questions, they will be sent to undergo a medical examination. The location will be marked on the map.
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