How to Unlock All Aspects and Weapons in Hades

Hades has exited early access and is now available on Steam, Epic Games Store, and Nintendo Switch. As with any other roguelike game, you can use several different types of weapons, as well as many abilities that you can combine to create a unique character build. Let's figure out how to unlock all the weapons in Hades.
In Hades, you can unlock six types of weapons, although it is possible that the developers may add more in the future. We have listed them all below along with their unlock costs:
Weapon List and Unlock Costs
- Stygian Blade: default weapon;
- Heart-Seeking Bow: costs 1 key;
- Shield of Chaos: costs 3 keys;
- Eternal Spear: costs 4 keys;
- Twin Fists of Malphon: costs 8 keys;
- Adamant Rail: costs 8 keys, you must unlock all other weapons first.
You will need to use Chthonic Keys to unlock all the weapons in the game. They can be obtained in rooms with key symbols on the doors or by trading with the Wretched Broker.
Once you start a new run, enter the room with Skelly to find all the weapons lined up on the sides. Approach the weapon you want to unlock, then press the R button to take it, provided you have enough keys. Weapons unlocked with Chthonic Keys will stay with you, and you can get all the weapons if you keep playing.
Each weapon requires a unique playstyle and can drastically change the pace and difficulty. Weapon Aspects take this mechanic a step further by slightly altering each weapon. Players can create various strategies and character builds. Aspects can be unlocked with Titan Blood.
How to Get Titan Blood
Titan Blood is an artifact that can be used to upgrade weapons and trade for a Diamond. It can be purchased from the House of Hades' Trader for Chthonic Keys or by defeating Megaera.
Stygian Blade
The Stygian Blade is the first weapon available at the start of the game. It is a well-balanced weapon. It has a medium range with a good balance of speed and power. Default combo attacks use wide swings to destroy closely grouped enemies and end with a precise strike. The special attack for this weapon creates a small AoE explosion around you but leaves you immobile for a short time. Finally, the dash attack provides a quick stab, allowing for additional damage from behind. This weapon knockback enemies with each attack.
Aspect of Zagreus
This aspect is the default for all weapons in the game. For the sword, it provides bonuses to movement speed and dash range. This aspect is very simple and does not significantly change the player's weapon.
This aspect slightly changes the gameplay style. At the highest level, this aspect increases dash speed and range by 25%, making it excellent for fast builds. Increased movement speed significantly simplifies navigating the map and maneuvering between enemies. If players are not careful and attentive, they may accidentally take damage from traps and lava pits.
Aspect of Nemesis
The Aspect of Nemesis is slightly more expensive. It gives you a chance to deal critical damage for three seconds after your special attack. The critical hit chance increases with each level up to 30%. This effect can be combined with Artemis boons. With them, it becomes easy to defeat stronger enemies due to the high critical damage and critical hit chance. The effect also stacks with boons from other gods, such as Dionysus and Athena.
This is an excellent aspect for almost any build, but it works best with builds using Athena, Aphrodite, or Poseidon attacks. Builds with these boons can deal massive damage even from basic attacks. The biggest drawback of these builds is that they do not have a large attack range. Players who prefer a ranged playstyle will need to adapt to this aspect or avoid it altogether.
Aspect of Poseidon
The Aspect of Poseidon slightly compensates for the lack of range in other aspects of this weapon. It increases cast damage and causes projectiles to knock out from your enemies. This aspect radically changes the gameplay style for this weapon. Players should switch from focusing on close and mid-range attacks to unique combinations using ranged attacks followed by special melee attacks.
Players should be cautious when choosing boons, avoiding Slicing Shot from Ares or Trippy Shot from Dionysus. For maximum effect, the cast should be combined with boons like True Shot from Artemis and Flurry Cast from Hermes.
Aspect of Arthur
Unlike other aspects, the Aspect of Arthur does not become available after collecting some titan blood. To unlock this aspect, you must first unlock the Aspect of Guan Yu for the spear. Then you need to invest at least five titan blood into one of the other sword aspects. After you have done all this, you need to talk to Nyx.
This aspect adds 50 points to your total health and changes your move set. When using it, your special attack temporarily creates a protective aura that slows enemies in the area and reduces the damage you take. The combo of the main attack and special also deals much more damage but is executed much slower, meaning players will need to combine them with dashes or account for their timing.
This aspect is great for a tank build. It offers high damage and good damage absorption combined with lower speed. You can compensate for the slower attack speed with boons from Hermes. If these boons are unavailable, you can aim to create ultra-high damage with Poseidon, Demeter, or Artemis. The increased critical hit chance granted by Artemis' boons can deal massive damage even to armored enemies and bosses.
Heart-Seeking Bow
This weapon stands out significantly from everything else in the game. Before each attack, the weapon needs time to charge, so you need to time your shot to get the maximum damage. The main thing with this weapon is distance and timing. The bow can be challenging to master for players who prefer simpler playstyles.
The bow's primary attack is a single arrow shot that can be charged to increase its range and damage. The dash attack is similar to the primary attack but, if executed well, can be used for faster shots with lower maximum damage. The special attack fires a volley of arrows in a cone. This is a long-range weapon, and your playstyle should reflect that. Keep enemies, especially bosses and mini-bosses, at a distance.
Aspect of Zagreus
Grants a chance to deal critical damage. The critical hit chance increases with each level up to 10%. This effect stacks with gifts from Artemis, further increasing the critical hit chance and damage. This buff is really good, as even a small chance of critical damage can be very useful in later runs. This aspect is most useful when combined with gifts from Aphrodite and Dionysus.
Aspect of Chiron
This weapon is great for fighting bosses. This aspect changes the special attack for the bow—the volley of arrows targets the last enemy you hit with your primary attack. Simply mark the desired enemy with your primary attack, then perform the special while dodging any other enemy attacks. This aspect is based on the precision needed to use the weapon correctly.
This aspect works really well with Dionysus, Aphrodite, and Ares. This way, you can deal a huge amount of combo damage to a single enemy.
Aspect of Hera
The Aspect of Hera allows you to load Bloodstones into your attack. This aspect benefits from spell upgrades and buffs found in the Mirror of Night, such as Boiling Blood and Infernal Soul. This aspect works especially well with gifts from Dionysus and Poseidon. Players will need to remember their Bloodstones and be sure to pick them up after they are dislodged.
Eternal Spear
The spear has become a really popular weapon since the release of the Aspect of Guan Yu. The primary attack of this weapon is a mid-range jab that can be charged to perform a spinning attack with a wide radius. This is a melee weapon with a ranged attack. The hero throws the spear in the direction you aim. The spear will damage any enemy it passes through.
Aspect of Zagreus
This aspect increases the special attack speed and range by up to 150%. At the highest level, the spear can fly off the screen. The aspect works great if you focus on combo throws and returns against multiple enemies, as you can land several hits. This aspect works best with upgrades from the Daedalus Hammer.
Aspect of Achilles
This aspect allows you to no longer recall the spear after a special attack but instead dash to it, dealing damage. This is great for fighting ranged enemies as you can hit them with the thrown spear and then close in to finish them off. The dash also gives a damage bonus for the next two attacks. This damage bonus can reach up to 150% at the highest level.
This aspect works well with boons from Poseidon and Artemis. You can get an additional dash if you need to maneuver around the level.
Aspect of Hades
The Aspect of Hades replaces the standard charged spin attack with an attack called the Punishing Sweep. Enemies hit by the swift attack take additional damage from your basic and special attacks. The damage bonus increases up to 150% at the full level. This effect is great for players who like to use the spear's spinning attack. The aspect enhances the attack by providing a damage bonus against enemies you hit. The problem with the circular attack is the long charge time. This can be fixed with boons from Hermes and Hammer upgrades.
Aspect of Guan Yu
This aspect takes some getting used to. Like the Aspect of Hades, this one is also great for players who like spinning attacks. The Aspect of Guan Yu changes the spinning attack so that the spear actually throws during the spin. The new spinning attack slowly moves in the direction you are facing. The special attack also steals life from all hit enemies, recovering any damage you take. The spear throw has also been changed. Now the spear acts like a rocket when thrown, and it no longer needs to be recalled.
The downside of this aspect is that it halves the maximum health and healing effects at the full level. Upon first unlocking, the health and healing are reduced by 70%, so it is better to use this weapon after you upgrade it unless you plan to build a low-health setup using specific boons. This aspect has a lower attack speed, but it works very well with boons from Artemis that give critical damage to attacks. Combined with special attack bonuses from Chaos, this weapon can mow down strong enemies with little effort.
Shield of Chaos
This is one of the most popular weapons in the game and for good reason. The shield is very adaptable for both melee and ranged combat, and it is the only weapon with defensive capabilities that does not require Athena's help. The shield will also seem familiar to fans of certain Marvel movies. For the primary attack, the hero simply swings the shield in an arc, dealing damage to enemies and knocking them back. The primary attack can be charged to perform a rush, where you dash forward, hitting all enemies in your path.
While the shield is charging, it blocks damage from the direction you are facing. This damage-blocking ability is extremely useful in boss fights, especially against ranged attacks. The special attack throws the shield in a Captain America style to damage distant enemies. The shield can also bounce several times before returning. You cannot attack or defend while the shield is flying, so you will have to dodge until it returns to you.
Aspect of Zagreus
The Aspect of Zagreus reduces the amount of damage you take by up to 15% at the highest level. This aspect is really good for using the shield's defensive ability when charging a dash. A good strategy is to use the dash for defense, break through all nearby enemies, then turn around and attack them from behind, where you can earn a small damage bonus with upgrades.
This aspect can be combined with almost any boon but works really well with boons from Athena, Ares, and Poseidon. Poseidon's boons are generally quite good for the shield regardless of the aspect used, as they can stack knockback damage with the primary attack. Athena's boons utilize the shield's defensive aspect, adding a deflect effect to most attacks and reducing damage you might take from other sources like traps.
Aspect of Chaos
The Aspect of Chaos increases the number of shields thrown in the next special attack after using a dash. At the highest level of this aspect, you throw five shields at once if you use the special effect after a dash. This effect is not very useful at low levels when only two or three shields are thrown, but at higher levels, the shield gains a shotgun-like effect that can deal massive damage to anyone within range.
This aspect can be used for any build focused on your special attacks. Upgrades can be used to take advantage of the playstyle required to use this aspect. For balance, the developers made it impossible to combine the aspect with an upgrade that can increase your special damage by up to 300%.
Aspect of Zeus
The Aspect of Zeus changes the special attack to a new one called the Blitz Disc. When thrown, the shield slowly moves in the indicated direction, constantly spinning and dealing damage to all encountered enemies. It will return when it hits an object, can bounce, or will stop when it has traveled a short distance. It will stay there until you retrieve it. Unlike the other two aspects, you can still perform standard attacks and dashes while the shield is in the air.
A good strategy is to throw the shield but never let it fully return. Instead, the shield will slowly come back to you at the same speed as when first thrown. If you run away before it reaches you, it will follow you. You can use this to your advantage to deal damage to enemies both with the spinning shield as it moves towards you and with your standard attacks. This aspect pairs excellently with boons from Athena and Poseidon.
Twin Fists of Malphon
The last weapon added to the game. It's quite simple, but difficult to handle. The primary attack is a quick combination of five hits that deal small damage. These five hits can be combined into sets, and the hero will continue to strike in the direction you indicate as long as you hold the button or until he gets hit. A special feature is the uppercut, which deals double hits. This weapon has the highest attack speed in the game. What really sets this weapon apart is that both the primary attack and the special attack have dash attacks. The primary dash attack is a hook that deals more damage than the primary attack but less than the special. The special dash is also an uppercut that deals more damage per hit than the regular special attack. However, the special dash hits only once, while the regular special attack hits twice.
The problem with this weapon is that it has a very short range, making you more vulnerable to certain attacks, especially ranged ones. When developing a build for this weapon, players need to consider the short range. The only available long-range attack is magic. This weapon works really well with Zeus, Demeter, and Athena builds. Athena's reflection effects can compensate for the lack of defense and range of this weapon, helping you absorb or block some damage. Poseidon's boons are not the best option for this weapon. The knockback effect can push enemies who are already at the edge of your range, causing you to waste the rest of the combo hitting the air. Fortunately, this drawback can be mitigated with upgrades.
Aspect of Zagreus
The Aspect of Zagreus adds dodge chance and increases attack speed up to 15%. The dodge chance added by this aspect is very useful, as the close-range play style makes it easier to get hit. This is a well-balanced aspect.
Zeus' boons are incredibly useful in combination with this aspect. The chain lightning effect provided by Lightning Strike works great with increased attack speed. Just target the strongest one in the group and attack to get the full effect.
Aspect of Talos
The special feature pulls the nearest enemies towards you, dealing a small amount of damage before performing the regular uppercut. After that, you can deal 40% more damage to any enemies pulled in by the attack for the next four seconds.
This aspect works very well with the boons of Ares, Artemis, and Dionysus. Add a boon like Ares' Slicing Shot to the spell, and you can create devastating combos.
Aspect of Demeter
The Aspect of Demeter adds additional hits to your special attack after you land 12 regular hits. This aspect can add up to five additional hits to the special attack. Landing the 12 hits needed to activate this effect can be very challenging, especially at early levels. Upgrades can help increase the range.
This aspect pairs excellently with any boon that enhances the special attack or overall damage. The boons of Zeus, Artemis, and Poseidon can deal massive damage when combined with the special enhancement. This feature, along with the boons, can significantly simplify battles with some bosses.
Adamant Rail
This is a rifle. Players have a set amount of ammunition. They need to reload manually after the ammunition runs out. The regular attack is a burst, which can make the game feel like a shooter. The special attack is a grenade that can be launched to deal AoE damage. The dash attack is a burst of two shots in the direction you indicate.
Aspect of Zagreus
The Aspect of Zagreus increases your maximum ammunition for the weapon by up to 12 additional rounds. This aspect is good at the beginning of the game but has become outdated due to some upgrades available from Daedalus Hammer. The only advantage is the ammo switching. Although upgrades can make this aspect outdated, it can still be very useful if you plan to use special enhanced attacks.
The greatest benefit comes from Zeus' boons, especially the lightning strike. The chain lightning effect can damage a huge number of enemies at once. This is very useful for fighting some bosses. This is a good universal aspect, but it doesn't change the weapon as much as others.
Aspect of Eris
This aspect gives a unique opportunity for the special attack. If you absorb damage from the grenade, you get a temporary damage boost of up to 60% for eight seconds. This increases all damage, including damage from your boons. Players can simply shoot themselves or use it on nearby enemies to damage them and trigger the boost effect.
This aspect works especially well with the boons of Ares and Dionysus. Combining Ares' Curse of Agony for the main attack with Dionysus' Drunken Flourish for the special can deal a lot of damage. While these two effects are a good combination, practically any combination of boons will work well with this aspect as it increases damage in all directions.
Aspect of Hestia
This aspect can be a bit tricky to get used to. If the player manually reloads before running out of ammo, the next shot will receive a huge increase in range and damage. This adds up to 150 damage and 150% range when fully upgraded. This allows you to kill some enemies with one shot. The problem is that manual reloading requires constant timing. To get the effect against stronger enemies, you'll be reloading after every shot, which is tedious and time-consuming. You might accidentally miss your enhanced shot.
This aspect works really well with the boons of Artemis and Demeter. The chill effect provided by Demeter easily stacks, causing enemies to slow down. This gives you more time to reload and can transfer the effect to other enemies. The critical effects provided by Artemis can deal much more damage or create more projectiles that can be used against strong enemies.
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