Guide to Outposts in Bellwright: How to Create, Set Up and Establish Resource Supply

Outposts in Bellwright play a key role in resource management and expanding influence. These strategic points allow players not only to gather materials but also to establish a supply network throughout the game's open world. By creating outposts, you can ensure a steady flow of resources, which will significantly simplify the construction, upgrading, and defense of your settlements.

In this guide, we will cover all the nuances of creating and managing outposts: from choosing a location to optimizing resource distribution. Whether you are an experienced strategist or new to the game, our tips will help you master the technique of creating outposts in Bellwright.

Bellwright Guides

  1. Guide to Bellwright for Beginners: Tips and Tricks
  2. Guide to Outposts in Bellwright: How to Create, Set Up and Establish Resource Supply
  3. Wheat and Straw in Bellwright: How to Find and Get Grain
  4. How to Prepare for Winter in Bellwright
  5. Where to Find and How to Obtain Tin in Bellwright
  6. How to Build Your Own House and Establish a Settlement in Bellwright

How Outposts Work

Outposts are essentially your small settlements that can be scattered throughout the game's open world. They are necessary for extracting resources and sending them to the main base.

All outposts have a separate level of danger from bandit raids, so you will have to build defenses for each site individually. It is best to place them near roads, as this will allow you to use road signs for quick travel between your camps.

First, you need to determine the location on the map where the resources you need are located. Focus primarily on items that do not regenerate and are located in areas with regional restrictions. In the early stages, general resources such as logs, wood, tin, copper, river reed, and mud are important. Additionally, outposts will need housing, food, storage facilities, workplaces, and, of course, the settlers themselves. But let's go step by step.

How to Build Outposts and Establish Resource Supply

After choosing a location for the outpost, press the N key to open your camp window. Go to the Buildings tab and click on the icon located on the right side of the screen. Then select Create Outpost, enter its name in the input window, and save the changes.

Once the base has been successfully created and named, go to the Population tab to assign a village resident to build this place. Set up a specific building: a woodcutter's camp, a farm, a miner's camp, or another industry that you need for this camp. Choose a settler who you think will be best suited for the tasks at the outpost. Now the outpost has a person, and you can start transferring resources for building storage and other facilities.

Note: Do not forget to assign all the established buildings for your new outpost.

In the settlement menu, use the arrow buttons in the upper left corner to navigate to the desired outpost. Here you can create a request to transfer resources from the camp you selected. To do this, enter the resource name in the search window and select it from the dropdown list.

Determine the place from which you plan to receive items or goods. Depending on the selected location, you will have the option to choose the delivery frequency: once, daily, or weekly. Specify the amount of resources you want to request using this feature. Upon returning to the main camp, do not forget to set up a similar delivery to receive resources from your outpost. Supplies arrive exactly at midnight.

How to Feed and Protect Settlers at Outposts

For each of your outposts, it is necessary to provide not only production facilities and housing for workers but also places for cooking food. Be sure to set up at least one campfire and an additional chest for food. If you do not set up food supply to the outpost, your workers will gather resources very slowly. Instead of working, they will go into the forest to search for mushrooms and berries.

You can do without direct food delivery to each outpost by building a gatherers' camp, assigning a hunter, and a cook. These settlers will independently gather and prepare food for the entire base, allowing workers to focus on gathering materials.

A cook will be indispensable if there are many settlers in the outpost. The hunter will provide food during the winter period when the gatherers' camp becomes almost useless.

To prevent residents from filling the food chest with other resources, such as wood or ore, disable all switches except food in the item filter.

Do not forget about wandering bandits and raids. As we have already noted, bandits can occasionally attack your bases, so it is important to take care of their defense: equip several fighters, build tents or huts for them, and assign them to protect the outpost.

How to Delete an Outpost

To delete a camp, simply dismantle all previously built buildings, including settlers' housing. To do this, go to the Construction menu (B key), then click the Dismantle button in the upper right corner. Approach the object and press the interaction key to remove the structure. Repeat the steps with all buildings, after which the outpost will be deleted.

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