The authors of the Fallout series revealed which iconic hero from New Vegas will appear in the second season

The showrunners of the Amazon series Fallout spoke with journalists from Variety, talking about the filming of the first season and the creation of the second. At the same time, the creators of the adaptation hinted at the appearance of the iconic character from Fallout: New Vegas in the continuation of the show.

Mr. House, the head of RobCo Industries in the past and the owner of the Strip in the present, has already appeared in one of the flashbacks in the series finale. The character survived the atomic bombing in his personal shelter at the Lucky 38 casino, and at the time of Fallout: New Vegas he is in a special capsule that prolongs his life. Basically, the player can only see his virtual image on the casino computer, but as a result of some decisions there is a chance to meet the real Mr. House.

According to the Fallout showrunners, viewers can look forward to the character's participation in the second season of the series.

By the way, in April, the creators of the series told what iconic monster viewers will definitely see in the new season of Fallout.

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