A hidden feature has been discovered in Fallout 4 that has surprised many players

A player accidentally discovered one of the V.A.T.S. mode features in Fallout 4 that he had never seen before. Its discovery was an interesting find for other gamers who had been unaware of another feature in the game for years.

A user with the nickname JamieMoranUK shared on social networks an interesting discovery made while playing Fallout 4 on the Xbox Series X. It turns out that when you hold down the V.A.T.S. button. You can not only slow down time and choose a target to shoot, but also freely examine the entire space around you.

Judging by the reaction under JamieMoranUK's post, most players didn't even know about this possibility:

«Wait, what... I've played hundreds of hours of Fallout 4 and never seen this.» — TheImmortalGit.

«Great find! I feel stupid for not noticing this until now.» — KatalistBeats

«Damn, you learn something new every day,» MoreHandsThanU.

Even the editor of the Windows Central portal, Jez Corden, who constantly shares materials about Microsoft projects, including games from Bethesda, was surprised by the find.

Other players who were aware of this feature advised using it when crossing minefields in Fallout 4 and scouting the area. They also reminded that when taking the V.A.N.S. perk. holding the V.A.T.S. button will lead the player to the quest marker marked on the map.

Let's remember that the Fallout 2 screenwriter recently explained why Deathclaws were destroyed in the game.

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