Artist recreates Rivendell from The Lord of the Rings on Unreal Engine 5

Digital artist David Alvarez showed Rivendell from The Lord of the Rings trilogy, recreated on Unreal Engine 5, on his YouTube channel. In the video, you can see not only iconic places and artifacts, but also the entire elven settlement.

As the craftsman himself writes, the work took about seven months. He prepared his project as part of the final exam in the specialty of technical artist. The video hides many references for fans of Peter Jackson's film adaptations: here is the broken Narsil, and a painting with Isildur, and Frodo's bedroom, and the One Ring in the gazebo where the Council of the Fellowship was held. You can even see locations from The Hobbit — for example, the meeting place of Gandalf, Saruman and Galadriel before the trip to Erebor.

Earlier we showed another location from the films, recreated on the same engine — its author intends to work on Helm's Deep later. And before that, a Valheim fan shared his version of Rivendell, built right in the game.

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