Pine Harbor has received a 52% positive review score on Steam

On April 25, russian horror shooter Pine Harbor with an open world and survival elements became available on Steam in Early Access. According to SteanDB, the game had a relatively weak launch on Valve's store

The shooter has received a 52% positive review score on Steam. The game has been criticized for its empty city where almost all buildings are locked, its basic plot, poor combat, crafting system, and bugs. On the plus side, some players have praised the game's decent graphics and atmosphere — the project is somewhat reminiscent of Silent Hill.

Despite its weak start, the developers will continue to develop the game. The project has already received several patches. And on May 10, the authors will publish a roadmap where they will talk about future innovations.

Pine Harbor was developed by the small studio Vision Forge Team. It will remain in early access until at least the end of 2024.

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