Skyrim added a bestiary like in The Witcher 3

Another recognizable feature of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been transferred to The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. Now Dovahkiin can take advantage of an atmospheric bestiary with information about all in-game creatures and their vulnerabilities.
In addition to ways to fight opponents, the encyclopedia will contain information about dropped ingredients, which will be useful for alchemists. Also included is a brief description of the creatures, bringing the game world to life. You can add a new chapter to the bestiary after interacting with the creature. The basic mod provides 122 pages in the bestiary, but the list can be expanded by adding animals from the Creation Club to the game — the author has provided compatibility with these mods.
You can download The Dragonborn's Bestiary mod here. To work correctly, you will need several more programs — Keyword Item Distributor (KID), SKSE64, SkyUI and Spell Perk Item Distributor.
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