Moon Demiguise Statues in Hogwarts Legacy: How to Find All Statuettes

Moon Demiguise Statues are special collectible items scattered throughout the open world of Hogwarts Legacy. Finding them will enhance the Alohomora spell level, which can be used to unlock various locks. Today, we will guide you on how to find all the Demiguise Statuettes in Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and the open world.

Note: Some statuettes are located in locked regions. To access them, you'll need to progress through the story by completing the main quests.

How to Obtain the Alohomora Spell and Upgrade It to Level 3

The Alohomora spell allows you to unlock locked chests and doors, which, in turn, will help you find decent equipment, gold, or gain access to various puzzles and riddles.

During the story quest of Mr. Moon, you will encounter the Moon Demiguise Statues — special statuettes that can be used to enhance the level of the Alohomora spell and unlock high-level locks.

The Moons can only be collected at night. If you discover a statuette during the day, open the map menu and change the time of day. To do this, simply press the corresponding button and confirm your choice.

To upgrade the spell level, find some statuettes and bring them to Mr. Moon.

How to Find All Demiguise Statuettes (Moon Demiguise Statues)

It's worth noting that some Moon Demiguise Statues are behind locked doors. First, you'll need to find the statuettes that are free to search, deliver them to Mr. Moon, and upgrade the Alohomora spell. Below, we've described how to find all the collectible items as you progress through the game.

All Demiguise Statuettes in Hogwarts

In Hogwarts, you can find 10 statuettes, in addition to those found during the story quest The Caretaker's Lunar Complaint.

Demiguise Statuette 1

  • Location: Astronomy Wing, Professor Figg's Classroom;
  • Alohomora Level: 0.

You have already visited Professor Figg's office several times. Surely, you've noticed that a Demiguise Statuette is also located here. Simply return at night to collect it.

Demiguise Statuette 2

  • Location: South Wing, Inner Courtyard of the Clock Tower;
  • Alohomora Level: 0.

Use fast travel to the Floo Flame point, turn around and exit onto the street through the door. Walk through the passage to find yourself next to the map on the wall. Go downstairs and turn left. You need the far door to the restroom on the left side.

Enter the restroom and open the central cubicle. Here you will see a broken wall — go inside and collect the moon.

Demiguise Statuette 3

  • Location: The Great Hall;
  • Alohomora Level: 1.

Move to the central part of The Great Hall and go forward. In the hall itself, turn right and find the locked door (level 1). Search the room for the moon and a small chest.

Demiguise Statuette 4

  • Location: Library Annex, Divination Classroom;
  • Alohomora Level: 0.

Now head to the Library Annex and climb to the top of the tower. Here you'll find a vertical ladder that leads to the Divination Classroom. The Demiguise Statuette is located at the far end of the room.

Demiguise Statuette 5

  • Location: Library Annex, Library;
  • Alohomora Level: 0.

The next moon is hidden in the library, close to the entrance to the restricted section. Use Floo Flame or get there on foot, then find the grate that leads to the staircase to the restricted section. You might have been here during the story quest to find a book.

Go down and keep moving forward to find the statuette. If you encounter any difficulties, use the Revelio spell.

Demiguise Statuette 6

  • Location: Bell Tower Wing, North Exit from Hogwarts;
  • Alohomora Level: 1.

Teleport to the specified area and turn around. Follow left along the large wall until you reach a staircase. Under it, there's a locked door (level 1). Open it and collect the moon. There's also a chest with equipment here.

Demiguise Statuette 7

  • Location: Astronomy Wing, Transfiguration Courtyard;
  • Alohomora Level: 1.

Return to the Floo Flame point in the Astronomy Wing, but this time run left. Pass by the large statue, behind which there's a massive door.

Turn right and find a staircase. Use it to descend to the basement. Reach the dragon statue and run right, then left. Here's a locked room (level 1), where the collectible item is located.

Demiguise Statuette 8

  • Location: Bell Tower Wing, Beasts Study Room;
  • Alohomora Level: 2.

Run to the Beasts Study Room and inspect the house. It's locked — you'll need to pick the lock on the door to the right (level 2). Inside, find the moon, a chest with equipment, and a letter from Ellie Klues.

Demiguise Statuette 9

  • Location: Astronomy Wing, Transfiguration Courtyard;
  • Alohomora Level: 2.

Turn around and enter the double door. Right behind it is a large staircase, to the right of which there's also a door. It's locked (level 2). Pick the lock and collect the collectible item.

Demiguise Statuette 10

  • Location: Library Annex, Potions Classroom;
  • Alohomora Level: 2.

Head to the potions classroom and exit through the double door into the corridor. Immediately turn left and descend the spiral staircase. To the left of the faculty locker, there will be a locked door (level 1). Use Alohomora to open the passage into the section.

In this corridor, find the first locked door on the left (level 2), open it, and retrieve the moon.

All Demiguise Statuettes in Hogsmeade

Just like in Hogwarts, while exploring Hogsmeade, you can find Demiguise Statuettes. There are nine in total, but some will only be accessible with the second level of the Alohomora spell. Below we have described how to find them all.

Demiguise Statuette 1

  • Location: Tomes and Scrolls Shop;
  • Alohomora Level: 0.

Teleport to Hogsmeade and make your way to the shop with scrolls and potions. Walk past the merchant to enter his bedroom. Here, you can open a chest with the eye, after using the Deluminator spell.

Demiguise Statuette 2

  • Location: The Hog's Head Pub;
  • Alohomora Level: 0.

From the previous statuette, follow the alley and turn left. Run to the dead end and inspect the pub. It's always open, so grabbing the Demiguise moon will be easy. Enter the establishment and walk around the bar counter on the right. The moon is on the crates in the storage room.

Demiguise Statuette 3

  • Location: The Three Broomsticks Inn;
  • Alohomora Level: 1.

Approach the main entrance to the inn and from here, go up the stairs on the left. You need to find the side entrance to the building. Ascend to the second floor and find the staircase to the attic. The door here will be locked (level 1), but you can easily unlock it and retrieve the moon.

Demiguise Statuette 4

  • Location: House next to The Three Broomsticks Inn;
  • Alohomora Level: 1.

Leave the inn and run down the road to the right. Nearby, there is a tall house, the door of which is locked (level 1). Use Alohomora and collect the item on the second floor.

Demiguise Statuette 5

  • Location: Gladrags Wizardwear;
  • Alohomora Level: 0.

Run to the clothing store and enter the building through the right door. Next to the merchant, to whom you sell unwanted items, is the workshop. The Demiguise moon is on the table right in front of him.

Demiguise Statuette 6

  • Location: House next to Honeydukes;
  • Alohomora Level: 1.

Go to the area marked on the map and use Alohomora (level 1) on the door to collect the moon. It is located in a room on a table under a portrait of a man. If you walk around the house from the outside, you can find a chest with an eye.

Demiguise Statuette 7

  • Location: House opposite The Spiny Serpent;
  • Alohomora Level: 1.

Get to the special goods shop and stop in front of the bridge. To the right will be a small house — use the spell on the door (level 1) to open it and collect the statuette.

Demiguise Statuette 8

  • Location: House opposite Ollivanders;
  • Alohomora Level: 2.

From the Tomes and Scrolls shop, run up and turn left into the alley. Opposite Ollivanders, there are two locked houses — one of them is needed to obtain the collectible item. Focus on the door to the right (level 2).

Climb to the third floor and collect the moon. Here, you can also inspect a large chest with equipment and a bag of gold.

Demiguise Statuette 9

  • Location: House between the potion shop and the joke shop;
  • Alohomora Level: 2.

Reach the mark on the map and use Alohomora (level 2) on the door of this building. The Demiguise moon is hidden on the second floor, next to a large chest.

All Demiguise Statuettes in the Open World (northern part of the map)

In almost every settlement, you can find a Demiguise statuette. They are usually hidden in locked houses. You might also need to upgrade your Alohomora level to reach some collectibles.

Demiguise Statuette 1

  • Location: Ford's Marsh, Pitt-on-the-Ford;
  • Alohomora Level: 1.

Use fast travel or get here on a broom, then inspect the large two-story house near the nearest Floo Flame point. Go up to the second floor and collect the statuette.

Demiguise Statuette 2

  • Location: Hogsmeade Valley, Upper Hogsfield;
  • Alohomora Level: 1.

The nearest moon is hidden in one of the houses in Upper Hogsfield. Right after teleporting, you need to inspect the second house on the left. It will be locked (level 1), and inside is a hidden Demiguise statuette.

Demiguise Statuette 3

  • Location: South Hogwarts, Aranshire;
  • Alohomora Level: 1.

Use fast travel to this settlement or get here on a broom. Right next to the Floo Flame, there's a two-story house — break the door (level 1) and collect the item for the collection on the second floor.

Demiguise Statuette 4

  • Location: South Hogwarts, Lower Hogsfield;
  • Alohomora Level: 0.

In this region, there's one Demiguise statuette left to find, hidden in Lower Hogsfield. After teleporting, turn around and look at the one-story building — that's your destination. The door will be open, so you can easily collect the moon.

Demiguise Statuette 5

  • Location: Hogwarts Valley, Brocburrow;
  • Alohomora Level: 0.

Immediately after teleporting, you will see a small one-story house. The building is open, so simply enter and collect the Demiguise statuette.

Demiguise Statuette 6

  • Location: Hogwarts Valley, Kinbridge;
  • Alohomora Level: 1.

At the top of the settlement on a hill stands a two-story house. Use Alohomora (level 1) on the door and inspect the room. The moon is placed on a box under the staircase.

Demiguise Statuette 7

  • Location: Feldcroft region, Irondale;
  • Alohomora Level: 0.

As soon as you teleport to this village, turn the camera to the right. Here stands a house — this is your destination. The door will be open, so go in and collect the item for the collection.

Demiguise Statuette 8

  • Location: Feldcroft region, Feldcroft;
  • Alohomora Level: 2.

Use fast travel to the specified settlement and turn the camera slightly to the left. Behind the well stands a house — use Alohomora (level 2) and find the moon. There are also two chests with random equipment here.

All Demiguise Statuettes in the Open World (Southern Part of the Map)

Demiguise Statuette 1

  • Location: Marunvim Lake, Marumvim;
  • Alohomora Level: 1.

Teleport to the marked area on the map and explore the village. You need to inspect the house in the center of the settlement, which is locked. The Alohomora level is one, so there should be no problems. The statuette is located in the left part of the room behind a large dresser.

Demiguise Statuette 2

  • Location: Manor Cape, Baneburg;
  • Alohomora Level: 1.

Not far from the previous settlement is the village of Baneburg. Get here on a broom or use the Floo Point. In the central part of the settlement, there is a house with a round roof and an extension, inspect it. The Alohomora level is one. The Demiguise moon is standing next to the nearest chair. Here you can also inspect a large chest and get a random piece of clothing.

Demiguise Statuette 3

  • Location: Cragcroftshire, Cragfort;
  • Alohomora Level: 0.

Reach the settlement of Cragfort and inspect the large tree in the center of the village. Right next to it, you will see a merchant's stall — to the right of it is a house that needs to be inspected. Go up to the second floor and retrieve the statuette.

If you followed our guide, you should have collected all the Demiguise Statuettes and received the achievement Demiguise Danger.

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