Cheats (Codes) for Starfield: Factions, Characters, Items, Quests, and More

Starfield — the new game from Bethesda, which has been dubbed «Skyrim in space.» From September 1, 2023, everyone who purchased the extended edition can get acquainted with it. And if you're having trouble progressing or just want to experiment — you can use cheats. We've gathered all the current Starfield codes in this article.

At the moment, cheats are only available for the PC version of the game. If codes for Starfield on Xbox Series X/S become available, we will update the guide.

Please note that using cheats may prevent you from earning achievements and may cause bugs in the game itself. We recommend saving your game before entering a code.

Cheats are entered through the console, which is brought up with the «~» (tilde) key. Square brackets are not included in the codes.

Basic Commands

  • tgm — god mode and infinite ammo;
  • tim — alternative to god mode. You will take damage but not die;
  • psb — unlock all skills;
  • tdetect — non-player characters (NPCs) will no longer see you;
  • tcai — enemies will stop shooting at you;
  • unlock — unlock the specified door or locker. You need to add the lock ID. To do this, approach it with the console open and click the left mouse button;
  • sexchange — change the gender of your character;
  • tm — turn the interface on or off;
  • tfc — free camera, not attached to your hero;
  • killall — kill all non-player characters (NPCs) in the location;
  • kah — kill all enemies in the location;
  • tcl — turn noclip mode on or off, allowing you to fly through walls, floors, and ceilings;
  • showmenu sleepwaitmenu — open the sleep menu, where you can change the time in the game;
  • player.additem 0000000f [number] — receive the specified number of credits;
  • player.paycrimegold 0 0 [faction ID] — get out of jail while keeping all items and clear your reputation in the specified faction.

Your Character's Parameters

  • player.setlevel [x] — change your hero's level to the specified value;
  • player.addperk [skill ID] — add the specified ability or hero backstory. Activation requires a free slot;
  • player.removeperk [perk ID] — remove the specified ability or character backstory;
  • showlooksmenu player 1 — open the character customization menu to change any parameter.

Interactions with NPCs

To activate a cheat, approach an NPC closely, open the console and click on the character with the left mouse button. If you did everything correctly, you will see their ID.

  • kill — kill the character;
  • resurrect — resurrect the NPC;
  • resetai — reset the character's memory;
  • equipitem [item_ID] — add the specified item to the NPC's inventory;
  • inv — display a list of items in the character's inventory or container;
  • disable — remove the selected object;
  • enable — return the object you removed with the disable cheat.

Quest Assistance

  • saq — start all main and side quests;
  • caqs — complete all quests in the main storyline;
  • showquesttargets — view the ID of the current mission;
  • player.completequest [quest_id] — finish the active mission;
  • resetquest [quest_id] — restart the quest;
  • getstage [quest_ID] — find out at what stage of the quest you are;
  • setstage [quest_ID] [stage] — move to the specified quest stage;
  • movetoqt [quest_id] — move to the last uncompleted stage of the specified quest;
  • sqs [quest_id] — find out the names of all stages of the current mission.

Adding Items

  • player.placeatme [item or monster_ID] [quantity] — spawn the specified item or monster on the ground in front of you in the specified quantity;
  • player.additem [item_ID] [quantity] — receive the specified item in the specified quantity;
  • [weapon_ID].amod [modification_ID] — the specified modification will be applied to your weapon;
  • [weapon_ID].rmod [modification_ID] — the specified modification will be removed from your weapon.

Item, Faction, and Skill Codes


  • 0000000A — Digipicks;
  • 0000000F — Credits.


  • 0007B2B9 — Sentinel UC Antixeno Suit (Legendary);
  • 00065925 — Nishin, Incendiary Experimental Suit (Legendary);
  • 0022B8F6 — Explorer Suit with Repulsors (Epic);
  • 0013F97D — Peacekeeper Suit (Rare);
  • 00398108 — SysDef Sec Recon Suit;
  • 00398103 — SysDef Suit;
  • 00166404 — Alliance Pathfinder Suit;
  • 00227CA3 — Va'Ruun Suit;
  • 00228570 — Bounty Hunter Suit;
  • 001E2B18 — Constellation Suit;
  • 0005278E — Deep Mining Suit;
  • 002265AE — Deep Recon Suit;
  • 0006AC00 — Deepcore Suit;
  • 0016D2C4 — Deepseeker Suit;
  • 00026BF1 — Deimos Suit;
  • 0022856F — Ecliptic Suit;
  • 002265AF — Explorer Suit;
  • 001F22BB — Grandmother's Suit;
  • 002392B5 — Ground Crew Suit;
  • 00226299 — Mantis Suit;
  • 0001754D — Mark I Suit;
  • 001D0F96 — Mercury Suit;
  • 00225FC9 — Monster Suit;
  • 00067C94 — Navigator Suit;
  • 0003084E — Old Earth Suit;
  • 00066821 — Pirate Assault Suit;
  • 00066826 — Pirate Charge Suit;
  • 00066828 — Pirate Corsair Suit;
  • 0006682A — Pirate Sniper Suit;
  • 00227CA0 — Ranger Suit;
  • 002265AD — Strike Team Suit;
  • 0021C780 — Space Trucker Suit;
  • 00004E78 — Star Wanderer Suit;
  • 0012E187 — Starborn Astra Suit;
  • 001CBA52 — Starborn Avitus Suit;
  • 001CBA4E — Starborn Bellum Suit;
  • 0021C77E — Starborn Gravitas Suit;
  • 001CBA4A — Starborn Locus Suit;
  • 001CBA49 — Starborn Matter Suit;
  • 002D7365 — Starborn Solis Suit;
  • 002D7346 — Starborn Tempus Suit;
  • 001CBA4D — Starborn Tenebris Suit;
  • 0021C77F — Starborn Venator Suit;
  • 002AAF44 — SysDef Ace Suit;
  • 00398104 — SysDef Assault Suit;
  • 0039810A — SysDef Combat Suit;
  • 00166410 — UC Ace Suit;
  • 00206130 — UC AntiXeno Suit;
  • 00257808 — UC Combat Suit;
  • 00257805 — UC Marine Suit;
  • 000EF9B0 — UC Sec Combat Suit;
  • 000EF9AF — UC Sec Recon Suit;
  • 000EF9AE — UC Sec Starlaw Suit;
  • 000EF9AD — UC Security Suit;
  • 00257809 — UC Startroop Suit;
  • 0021A86A — UC Urbanwar Suit;
  • 00248C0F — UC Vanguard Suit;
  • 0025780A — UC Wardog Suit.


  • 0026D96A — Bridger;
  • 0026D96B — Coachman;
  • 00016758 — Cutter;
  • 0018DE2C — Drum Beat;
  • 002F413A – Discarded Sidestar;
  • 0026D96E – Ecliptic Pistol;
  • 002БФ65Б – AA-99;
  • 0026D965 – Arc Welder;
  • 0026D964 – AutoRivet;
  • 0004716C – Beowulf;
  • 0026D963 – Big Bang;
  • 000547A3 – Breach;
  • 002984DF – Maelstrom;
  • 0002EB3C – Mag Shear;
  • 00023606 – MagPulse;
  • 0002EB42 – MagShot;
  • 0002EB45 – MagSniper;
  • 0026035E – MagStorm;
  • 000546CD – Microgun;
  • 000476C4 – Eon;
  • 002953F8 – Pacifier;
  • 00040826 – Rattler;
  • 00000FD6 – Razorback;
  • 0002CB5F – Regulator;
  • 0004F760 – Rescue Axe;
  • 0026D960 – Shotty;
  • 0026D95D – Sidestar;
  • 0001BC4F – Equinox;
  • 00028A02 – Grendel;
  • 00546CC – Hard Target;
  • 00253A16 – Kodama;
  • 0021FEB4 – Kraken;
  • 0002D7F4 – Lawgiver;
  • 0002EB36 – Tombstone;
  • 0026D96D – Urban Eagle;
  • 0026D8A0 – VaRuun Inflictor;
  • 0026D8A2 – VaRuun Painblade;
  • 0026D8A4 – VaRuun Starshard;
  • 0026F181 – Barrow Knife;
  • 00035A48 – Combat Knife;
  • 0026D8A3 – Tanto;
  • 0026D8A5 – UC Naval Cutlass;
  • 0026D8A1 – Wakiazashi;
  • 0026D968 – Novablast Disputor;
  • 0026D967 – Novalight;
  • 0026ED2A – Old Earth Assault Rifle;
  • 0021BBCD – Old Earth Hunting Rifle;
  • 00278F74 – Old Earth Shotgun;
  • 002773C8 – Orion;
  • 0026D966 – Osmium Dagger;
  • 0026D961 – Solstice.


  • 002B558E – 7.5mm caliber bullets;
  • 002B558D – 7.62x39mm caliber bullets;
  • 0004AD3E – 7.77mm caliber bullets, caseless;
  • 002B559B – 9x39mm caliber bullets;
  • 002B4AFB – caseless shotgun shell;
  • 002B558A – heavy particle detonators;
  • 002783C7 – light particle detonators;
  • 002B559C – .27 caliber bullets;
  • 002B559A – .43 MI Mass bullets;
  • 02B5599 – .43 Ultramag bullets;
  • 002B5598 – .45 caliber bullets;
  • 000547A1 – 12G shotgun shells;
  • 002B4AFB – 15X25 CLL shotgun shells;
  • 0000E8EC – 3KV LZR cartridges;
  • 002B5592 – 40mm XPL bullets;
  • 002B5590 – 6.5mm ACR bullets;
  • 002B5597 – .50 caliber bullets, caseless;
  • 002B5596 – .50 caliber bullets;
  • 002BAE3F – LZR 1.5KV cartridges;
  • 002B5595 – 11mm caliber bullets, caseless;
  • 002B5594 – ST 12.5mm rivet;
  • 002B558F – 6.5mm MI Mass.


  • 002C555E – Concealment;
  • 002C53B4 – Neurostrikes;
  • 0028AE13 – Rejuvenation;
  • 002C59E2 – Energy Weapon Dissipation;
  • 0028AE17 – Environmental Conditioning;
  • 0028AE29 – Gymnastics;
  • 002CFCAD – Nutrition;
  • 002C59DF – Boxing;
  • 002CE2DD – Fitness;
  • 002CFCAE – Pain Tolerance;
  • 0028AE14 – Cellular Regeneration;
  • 002C5554 – Martial Arts;
  • 002CFCB2 – Stealth;
  • 002C59D9 – Weight Lifting;
  • 002CE2E1 – Wellness;
  • 002CE2A0 – Decontamination;
  • 002C5A8E – Commerce;
  • 002C5A94 – Gastronomy;
  • 002C555B – Theft;
  • 002CFCAF – Deception;
  • 0023826F – Outpost Management;
  • 002C5555 – Manipulation;
  • 002C53B3 – Ship Command;
  • 002C53B0 – Xenosociology;
  • 002C59E1 – Diplomacy;
  • 002C59DE – Intimidation;
  • 0022EC82 – Persuasion;
  • 0028B853 – Scavenging;
  • 002C53AE – Isolation;
  • 002C555F – Negotiation;
  • 002C555D – Instigation;
  • 002C890D – Leadership;
  • 002CFCAB – Ballistics;
  • 002CFCB0 – Dueling;
  • 002080FF – Pistol Certification;
  • 0027DF97 – Shotgun Certification;
  • 002C5556 – Demolitions;
  • 00147E38 – Heavy Weapons Certification;
  • 0027DF96 – Incapacitation;
  • 0027BAFD – Particle Beams;
  • 002CE2E0 – Rifle Certification;
  • 002C59DD – Lasers;
  • 002C890B – Marksmanship;
  • 002C555A – Rapid Reloading;
  • 002C53B1 – Sniper Certification;
  • 002C59DA – Targeting;
  • 0027DF94 – Armor Penetration;
  • 0027CBBA – Crippling;
  • 002C53AF – Sharpshooting;
  • 002C5560 – Astrodynamics;
  • 002CE29F – Geology;
  • 002C555C – Research Methods;
  • 0027CBC1 – Surveying;
  • 002C5557 – Botany;
  • 002CFCB1 – Scanning;
  • 002CE2DF – Medicine;
  • 002CE2C0 – Chemistry;
  • 002C59E0 – Outpost Engineering;
  • 002C2C5A – Aneutronic Fusion;
  • 0027CBC2 – Planetary Habitation;
  • 0004CE2D – Special Projects;
  • 0027CBC3 – Spacesuit Design;
  • 002C890C – Weapon Engineering;
  • 002C5552 – Zoology;
  • 0027CBBB – Astrophysics.

Character Backgrounds

  • 0022EC77 – Homesteader;
  • 0022EC7A – Industrialist;
  • 0022EC75 – Long Hauler;
  • 0022EC73 – Pilgrim;
  • 0022EC72 – Professor;
  • 0022EC74 – Ronin;
  • 0022EC71 – Sculptor;
  • 0022EC70 – Soldier;
  • 0022EC6F – Space Scoundrel;
  • 0022EC6E – Xenobiologist;
  • 0022EC76 – Beast Hunter;
  • 0022EC81 – Bouncer;
  • 0022EC80 – Bounty Hunter;
  • 0022EC7F – Chef;
  • 0022EC7E – Combat Medic;
  • 0022EC7D – Cyber Runner;
  • 0022EC7C – Cyberneticist;
  • 0022EC7B – Diplomat;
  • 0022EC79 – Explorer;
  • 0022EC78 – Gangster;
  • 002DFD1A – File Not Found.

Traits of Your Hero

  • 00227FD1 – Raised Universal;
  • 00227FD0 – Serpent's Embrace;
  • 00227FE2 – Spaced;
  • 00227FE0 – Taskmaster;
  • 00227FE1 – Terra Firma;
  • 00227FD4 – United Colonies Native; 00227FDD – Wanted;
  • 00227FDA – Alien DNA;
  • 00227FDF – Dream Home;
  • 00227FD6 – Empath;
  • 00227FDE – Kid Stuff;
  • 00227FD3 – Neon Street Rat;
  • 00227FD2 – Raised Enlightened;
  • 00227FD7 – Extrovert;
  • 00227FD5 – Freestar Collective Settler;
  • 00227FD9 – Hero Worshipped;
  • 00227FD8 – Introvert.


  • 000638E5 – Freestar Collective;
  • 00010B30 – Crimson Fleet;
  • 0005BD93 – United Colonies;
  • 0026FDEA – Neon / Ryujin Industries.


The new project from Bethesda Softworks was eagerly awaited by hundreds of millions of fans around the world. This is not surprising, as this studio has given the world such projects as The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, and Fallout 4 — the game simply could not be mediocre. We hope our guide will help you, and if you encounter any difficulties or have questions, be sure to write about it in the comments.

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