Where to Find Trophies and How to Hang Them on the Wall in Valheim

To survive in Valheim, players often have to engage in combat with enemies. Emerging victorious, you can take the enemy's head as a trophy. The better the trophy, the more you'll want to hang it in a prominent place. This raises several questions: how to obtain a trophy, how to know if it's rare, and how to hang it on the wall. Our guide will help you understand.
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Trophies in Valheim and where to find them
- Wolf Head (Wolf Trophy): rare, drops from wolves in the Mountain biome;
- Greydwarf Head (Greydwarf Trophy): drops from greydwarfs in the Black Forest biome;
- Greydwarf Brute Head (Greydwarf Brute Trophy): drops from Greydwarf Brutes in the Black Forest biome;
- Greydwarf Shaman Head (Greydwarf Shaman Trophy): drops from Greydwarf Shamans in the Black Forest biome;
- Drake Head (Drake Trophy): drops from drakes in the Mountain biome, used to craft a helmet;
- Draugr Head (Draugr Trophy): rare, drops from draugrs in the Swamp biome or crypts;
- Draugr Elite Head (Draugr Elite Trophy): rare, drops from Draugr Elites in the Swamp biome or crypts;
- Elder Head (Elder Trophy): drops after defeating the second boss in the Black Forest biome. It can be sacrificed at the sacrificial stone at the spawn point to gain the Elder's power;
- Serpent Head (Serpent Trophy): rare, drops after killing a sea serpent in the Ocean biome;
- Boar Head (Boar Trophy): rare, drops from boars in the Meadows biome;
- Moder Head (Moder Trophy): always drops from the fourth boss in the Mountain biome;
- Neck Head (Neck Trophy): rare, drops from necks in the Meadows biome;
- Deer Head (Deer Trophy): rare, drops from deer in the Meadows and Black Forest biomes. The trophy can be used to craft a deer rug. Placing two heads on the mystical altar will summon the first boss, Eikthyr;
- Troll Head (Troll Trophy): rare, drops from trolls in the Black Forest biome;
- Fuling Head (Fuling Trophy): rare, drops from fulings in the Plains biome;
- Eikthyr Head (Eikthyr Trophy): drops after each killing of Eikthyr. The head can be sacrificed at the sacrificial stone at the spawn point to gain the power of Eikthyr. Hung on the wall, the head will periodically talk to you;
- Bonemass Trophy: drops after defeating the third boss in the Swamp biome. It can be sacrificed at the sacrificial stone at the spawn point to gain the power of Bonemass;
- Leech Trophy: rare, drops from leeches in the Swamp biome;
- Blob Trophy: rare, drops from blobs in the Swamp biome;
- Surtling Trophy: rare, drops from surtlings in the Swamp biome;
- Skeleton Trophy: rare, drops from skeletons.
How to Hang a Trophy on the Wall
To hang trophies, you will need to make a stand, for which you need a workbench, one bronze nail, and 4 units of fine wood. Once the stand is ready, you can hang it on the wall. Then, open the trophy window, select the desired trophy, and use the left mouse button to hang it on the hook. Trophies can be hung inside and outside the house, as well as on any wooden structures that can accommodate a stand.
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