TOP 10 most manly actions in games: saving the Universe, admitting mistakes and unthinkable self-sacrifice

Being a man is not easy, because those around you are constantly expecting heroic deeds. It's good that gaming is full of sources of inspiration that will always fill the defender of the Fatherland with energy. We have dedicated this collection to the most manly actions of game characters!

Captain Shepard from Mass Effect. Saved the entire universe from inevitable death

Sometimes the threat is so great that there seems to be no hope of salvation — this is precisely the threat Shepard encountered. Every 50 thousand years, Reapers appear on the horizon: they are a biomechanical race whose goal is to destroy intelligent life. Their weapons are destructive, and their ships are invulnerable — isn't this a reason to surrender?

But the Reapers did not take into account that this time there would be a man who was not ready to give up without a fight. Shepard will look for a way to save all living things until the last moment and will still find it. His example teaches that even from a stalemate there is a way out: the main thing is to go to the end.

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Ethan Winters from Resident Evil. I did everything to save my family

Ethan Winters was once an ordinary family man, but troubles forced him to become something more. First, his wife disappeared under mysterious circumstances, and then villains kidnapped his daughter. Ethan was not ready to put up with this and headed towards trouble.

His limbs were cut off, his fingers were bitten off and he was mocked in many other ways — but all this did not stop the hero. He continued to push towards the goal and, in the end, succeeded. Creepy werewolves, deadly mutants, powerful people and even cosplay star Alsina Dimitrescu could not kill Ethan. This is because real men don't give up.

Duke Nukem from Duke Nukem. Protected the planet from aliens

When the aliens unleashed all their power on earthlings, the army was unable to fight back. The planet would definitely have changed owners if old Nyukem had not broken away from the seductive ladies and showed the invaders who was in charge. As Duke said, «my boot, your face is a great match.»

Some people won't like the hero's motives. Nyukem considers himself the master of the Earth and is not ready to share his chicks with guests from outer space. However, this is not so important: the main thing is that Duke, without hesitation, takes the gun and goes to tear his enemies to pieces, making everyone else freeze with delight.

Doomguy from DOOM. Dedicated his life to the fight against evil

Dumgay teaches that it is important for every man to find a place in life. The Executioner of Doom, for example, clearly knows his purpose: it is to exterminate demons by the thousands and send them back to Hell if the creatures suddenly dare to stick their heads out.

Awareness of the path fills the Doom Slayer with strength and does not allow him to stop. Even if the monsters trap him and lock him away for many years, one day he will break the shackles and continue on his bloody path.

At the same time, everyone should tremble with fear: both ordinary cacodemons and the Dark Lord. The latter tried to fight back against Doomgay in suitable DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods, but still fell.

Kratos from God of War. Kept his promise, despite hostile gods

Kratos' actions in the first parts of God of War can hardly be called heroic. The Spartan was blinded by rage and took revenge on everyone responsible for his suffering. At the same time, Kratos did not care about the innocent victims who lost their lives during the bloody vendetta. It is difficult to count how many ordinary people died while he carried out the massacre on Olympus.

However, by the fourth part of God of War, the god of war changed and stopped getting into fights unless absolutely necessary. And he also showed what the word given by a man means.

For a long time, the Spartan lived peacefully with Faye until she died. Before her death, her beloved made the hero promise to burn her deceased body and scatter the ashes from an unusual mountain. Alas, the path will not be easy: the Spartan will meet hostile gods, crowds of draugr and dangerous mythical creatures, but still will not stop. Kratos promised — Kratos will do it. That's what men do.

Marcus Fenix from Gears of War. Protected people from the Horde

Marcus Fenix is one of those guys who always sticks to his principles. When the Breakthrough Day happened and the Horde emerged from underground to the surface, the soldier took up arms and valiantly defended the planet Sera. Marcus fought so bravely that he earned the title of hero.

However, when the fighter had to make a choice between following orders and saving his own father, he chose family. For this, Marcus was condemned for a long time, but four years were enough for people to understand: without such a strong-willed man, the Horde could not be defeated.

Phoenix was offended, but did not let his emotions get the better of him. He knew that generals come and go, but his native land remains forever — and it must be protected. As a result, Marcus took a cannon with a built-in chain saw and went to save the world. As we know, he succeeded!

Nathan Drake from Uncharted. I wasn't looking for Shambhala and Eldorado for treasures

It would seem that Nathan Drake is an ordinary adventurer who is ready to steal an exhibit from a museum and heat up his partner. It's unlikely that Elena forgot how Nate and Sally ditched her at the beginning of the first part. However, there is something special about Drake: he always knew what he had to do and tried not to betray his essence.

Adventure is the only thing that made the hero truly happy. He could spend a long time wiping his pants, doing routine things, or spending quality time with friends and his beloved, but without searching for something ancient and incomprehensible, he began to fade away.

Drake, in general, did not care about priceless treasures and powerful artifacts. Much more important for him was the path itself: solving riddles, climbing rocks and avoiding traps — this is what made the hero happy.

Finding something you love and dedicating your life to it is no less a manly act than saving the world from aliens. So there's a lot to learn from Nate.

Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption 2. Found the strength to admit mistakes

For a long time, Arthur Morgan was an ordinary bandit. He robbed banks, shot at police officers, brutally extorted debts and committed other atrocities. Arthur can be tried for crimes, but who among us is not without sin. The main thing is that one day the hero realized his mistakes and took the path of correction.

With each new unsuccessful adventure, Morgan only became more convinced that he had been doing something wrong all his life. He killed, destroyed families, ruined lives, and now he is rapidly going down. However, he still has time to correct at least some of the mistakes.

Apologize to the widow, who, not without his fault, lost her husband. Help gang members get out of trouble. Fight for the truth until your last breath. At the end of his life, Arthur Morgan found the strength to admit his mistakes and took the path of good — this requires true courage.

Johnny Silverhand from Cyberpunk 2077. Challenged the system

Johnny Silverhand lives in a nasty world run by corporations. They can do whatever they want: promote any laws, eliminate dissenters, steal technology and kidnap people.

The famous rocker and rebel also had to face injustice when «Arasaka» kidnapped his girlfriend. It would seem that it is pointless to take on a powerful corporation — however, David did not have a chance against Goliath.

As a result, Johnny raided Arasaka and blew up its headquarters when there were no civilians there. Even if his methods are unacceptable, he still showed the world that even an ordinary person is capable of fighting injustice.

It is curious that even death could not stop Silverhand. He became a legend in the Afterlife, where every respected mercenary could drink a cocktail named after him, and then got into V's head, getting another chance to challenge the corporatists.

Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3. When even betrayal can become heroism

The Metal Gear universe is full of memorable characters, but The Boss plays one of the most important roles. She may be a girl, but her actions fit the description of «heroic» and «peasant» perfectly. And she defended the Fatherland like no one else.

Over her long career, Boss has raised many great fighters, including Snake. However, in Snake Eater she manifests herself differently: the lady commits betrayal, kills the hero's heart and puts the whole world in a dangerous situation.

Snake spends the entire game with a heavy heart, but the truth hits him even harder. It turns out that the Boss was part of a secret operation to infiltrate the enemy's camp and steal the «Philosophical Heritage.» We are talking about 100 billion dollars and a list of members of a secret organization.

The heroine copes with the assignment, but the ending of her story was initially predetermined. According to the plan, in the end she had to make self-sacrifice and remain in the memory of ordinary people as a traitor — no one was supposed to find out the truth.

In the final scene of Snake Eater, the hero is forced to kill the Boss. At this moment, his heart breaks and the players begin to shed tears. For such a feat, the Boss definitely deserves a place in the top of the most heroic deeds.


What other male actions in games deserve a place in the selection? Tell us in the comments, let's be inspired together!

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