TOP 10 wild gaming accessories: a fart from Ubisoft, a chainsaw-shaped gamepad and a skateboard for the apartment

Respected scientists from a German university have revealed to the world a creepy webcam in the shape of a human eye — it can even blink and move its eyeball. Just imagine playing through an atmospheric horror game with such a device on your monitor! However, there are already a lot of crazy accessories in the gaming world, so there is nothing to be surprised about. We'll tell you about the wildest of them in this collection!

Eyecam. Webcam in the shape of an eye

Let's start with the latest sensational invention. This unusual webcam was not developed in the halls of Diablo, but at the famous Saarland University. It seems that the legal, medical and social sciences taught there were not particularly interesting to the scientists, because they spent their free time not on improving their qualifications, but on creating the creepy Eyecam.

The device looks scary, and the creators are not at all shy about it. According to them, this device is an attempt to challenge «traditional relationships with touch devices» and make them think about the future of technology. The authors are probably afraid of widespread surveillance or perhaps the sinister Skynet.

By the way, the device will not go on sale. However, this does not mean that you will not be able to complete a walkthrough, for example, of one of the most anticipated games of the year Resident Evil: Village even more uncomfortable. The source code of Eyecam is already online, and in the near future the creators promise to post detailed instructions for creating the device at home.

Nosulus Rift. Ubisoft lets you feel gas emission

South Park: The Fractured but Whole turned out to be a pretty funny project, one of the main mechanics of which was... farting! Thanks to the gases, heroes can reach hard-to-reach places, cause damage to the enemy, or even manipulate time. Ubisoft did not neglect such an important aspect of the game and developed Nosulus Rift specifically to promote its own brainchild. The innovative device takes the level of immersion in gameplay to new heights and allows you to inhale the aroma of every fart emitted by the heroes of The Fractured but Whole.

Fortunately, the creators did not dare to use real human gases and entrusted the development of a suitable aroma to professional perfumers. Judging by the reactions of users, they came quite close to the original.

It is impossible to buy the Nosulus Rift, and the device was used exclusively at events dedicated to the game. Of course, the joke turned out to be nice, but the potential of such devices is colossal. Imagine what it would be like to pull something like this over your face and go into the wonderful world of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, feeling the freshness of the wind, the fragrance of flowers and the smell of felled trees...

Game Boy Pocket Sonar. Sonar for finding fish on a portable console

The Game Boy developed by Nintendo has always been an innovative device — after all, we are talking about the first portable console, the amazing success of which no one could repeat for a long time. It is worth noting that the creators continued to generate brilliant ideas even after the release of the portable. Soon there was a digital camera for the Game Boy, which allowed you to take selfies before it became mainstream, and then a pocket printer that you could use to print out photos. However, none of this was able to challenge sonar for catching fish!

It is unknown who came up with the idea to make a sonar for the Game Boy. The authors probably saw fishermen grabbing portable consoles and rushing to the nearest store to buy a much-needed device. However, Pocket Sonar performed its stated functions properly and really helped to detect fish at a depth of up to 20 meters. Unfortunately, the device did not gain popularity as expected and never entered the international market.

Nintendo Labo Robot. Robot costume for the game on Switch

Today, it is simply impossible to argue with the fact that Nintendo has once again revolutionized portable gaming. After all, the Switch is one of the most popular gaming devices of recent times. But has every owner of a hybrid console heard of Nintendo Labo? The Japanese corporation offers to buy a special set, assemble it, for example, into a robot suit and get an unusual experience from the game Toy-Con Robot.

You need to assemble the structure yourself, and the final result allows you to put the gamepad aside and control the fur with your own body. It's funny that the costume consists entirely of cardboard sheets. The Nintendo Labo construction kit is unlikely to captivate people for long, but gamers seem to like such experiments.

Mech control panel in Steel Battalion

If you want to imagine yourself not as a mech, but as its pilot, then rejoice — there has long been an unusual accessory on the market that suits your needs. In 2002, Steel Battalion, a game dedicated to the battles of giant robots, was released. The project was very different from all competitors: it was simply impossible to take control of the mech without a special control panel.

In 2002, the set of the panel and the game itself cost a cosmic two hundred dollars, but not everyone found the experience amazing. The huge device had forty buttons, three pedals and two steering wheels — not surprisingly, it was very difficult to control the mech. However, there were also a lot of satisfied hardcore gamers, and the series later received two sequels.

Robotic Operating Buddy. Robot partner for cooperative games

Furs can also become true friends and partners. Back in 1985, Nintendo developed a robot that helps you complete cooperative games. Sit your metal friend ROB in front of the TV, give him a joystick and enjoy playing together — what could be better for an introvert?

Alas, ROB assisted in completing only two games, and in general performed his functions very clumsily. Of course, the whole world admired it, but only a couple of years later the revolutionary invention was taken off the market. By the way, Nintendo themselves fell in love with the robot and often added it to different games: somewhere as a boss or an ally, somewhere as an Easter egg. You can meet the legend, for example, in Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros.

Chainsaw Controller. Gamepad in the shape of a chainsaw

If you've ever played Resident Evil 4, you'll never forget the nightmarish sound of a chainsaw starting up. It meant that soon a big guy with a bag on his head, capable of sawing you apart with one blow, would come for your soul. The mini-boss became so popular that in 2004, the Chainsaw Controller, a chainsaw-shaped gamepad, was released specifically for the GameCube and PlayStation 2.

The appearance of the controller is frightening and impressive at the same time: realistic shape, blood-stained blades, nice design — but it's extremely inconvenient to play with. The device is valuable for collectors. Although today, probably, every second streamer will easily complete all the games legendary FromSoftware with Chainsaw Controller in hands.

DK Bongos. Reels for passing Dark Souls

If for most gamers every boss in the Dark Souls series becomes an insurmountable obstacle, then some manage to defeat them by playing... the drums. Not long ago, a streamer under the nickname TheSuperScrubs accomplished a similar feat. But DK Bongos were not developed for the souls-like genre.

Initially, the reels were needed to complete the old Donkey Kong Bongo Blast for GameCube. Later they were used in other games in the series about the popular gorilla, and then far beyond Nintendo projects. The device cannot be called a mass device, but it still deserves cult status.

Massage Me. Allows you to play and massage at the same time

It's hard to call Massage Me anything other than a strange device, but maybe it will help someone improve their relationship or even save their marriage. Essentially, the device is a cape with the controller «sewn» inside it. You put it on your loved one and play right on their back. According to the idea, the gamer should have played enough, and the partner should have become relaxed and satisfied.

Alas, in practice everything is not so rosy: it turned out to be extremely inconvenient to play, and the massage turned out lousy — probably for these reasons Massage Me did not go into mass production.

Tony Hawk Skateboard. Roll around in front of the TV

Tony Hawk is the greatest skateboarder of all time, who managed to greatly popularize his craft. The guise of a cool athlete was tried on by both gamers of the 90s and, thanks to great remaster Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2, modern players. But you can get into the stunt skateboarder simulator even on a board-shaped gamepad!

True, playing on such a device is a little awkward: you stand in front of the TV, slide one foot on the floor and periodically jump — after this, someone might call a doctor. However, in general, you will agree that the idea is interesting.


But this is not all the creepy, strange and ridiculous gaming accessories. Perhaps you also know a couple of devices that were not included in the selection. Tell us about them in the comments, we'll be surprised together!

Which accessory from the selection pleased you most?

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