Money Puzzle Exchanger is a top-down action game with a mixture of strategy, puzzle and anime/manga game from the FACE studio. The main publisher of...
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (Limited Edition) is a third-person action game with a mixture of puzzle and fantasy game from the developers of Mercury...
Blokus is a top-down strategy game with puzzle elements from the developers of Gameloft S.A.. The main publisher of the game is Gameloft S.A.. Blokus...
5-In-1 Arcade Hits is an arcade game with a mixture of puzzle and card game from the developers from the Grip Games studio. The game is published by...
Kurushi Final: Mental Blocks is a third-person strategy game with a mixture of puzzle and sandbox from the developers of the studios G-artists, Sugar...
Arcade Hits: Magical Drop is an arcade game with elements of strategy, puzzle and games in the anime or manga genre from developers from the studios...