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Cyberpunk, Adventure, Futurism (Future), Shooter, First-person view, Horror, Science fiction, Role-playing game, Old school
Game in development: PlayStation 4 → 2025
Anticipation Rating:
Remaster of the role-playing shooter System Shock 2 from 1999. The game's action takes place in the distant future on a spaceship. The main character is an...

Adventure, First-person view, Futurism (Future), Walking Simulator, Exploration, Narrative, Science fiction, Indie
Game in development: PlayStation 4 → 2025
Anticipation Rating:
The game takes place in the harsh Arctic of 2062. The main character is an airplane pilot who suffered a disaster and was left alone with his drone. He is trying to...

Cooperative (co-op), Action, Comedy, Shooter, Third-person view, Space, Crafting, Exploration, Educational game (Education), Science fiction
Game in development: PlayStation 4 → 8 May 2025
Anticipation Rating:
A cooperative game in which the heroes explore distant planets, where they study the environment. There are plants to scan, creatures to capture, lakes to swim in...