Legendary continuation of the popular Grand Theft Auto series. The setting is the city of Los Santos, beloved since Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. For the first time, the game tells the story of three characters at once: Michael, Trevor, and Franklin, between whom you can switch at any time.
The open-world action in GTA 5 is the quintessence of Rockstar's work in perfecting the franchise. Everything that people love about Grand Theft Auto has become bigger and cooler, but most importantly, the gameplay offers so many opportunities for virtual entertainment that it surpasses real life. A new graphics engine is used, raising the quality of graphics and effects to a modern level. There is an interesting plot, a separate version for PC, and support for modifications.
Unique Features of GTA 5:
1) For the first time, the plot features three main characters, each with their own strengths necessary in battle;
2) The huge city of Los Santos and the even larger state of San Andreas — it was the largest game world in the AAA class at the time of release;
3) 65 story missions, 3 endings, many side quests, both repetitive and unique — the player simply has no time to be bored;
4) Extensive gameplay possibilities: shootouts, chases, robberies, car thefts, gang and police showdowns, parachute jumps, flights on an F-22, and more.
5) Other pleasant details: car upgrades in the salon, purchasing armored vehicles, healthy food for the dog, talks with a personal psychologist, tennis, and so on.
Backstory of the Game World
The action of GTA 5 takes place in an updated and improved version of the state of San Andreas, which first debuted in the game of the same name, offering a full range of locations: parks, forests, farm fields, desert outskirts, coastal areas, caves, lakes, and mountain hills. The territory can be traversed far and wide, and it is populated not only by people but also by dangerous wild animals.
In this same state is the huge metropolis of Los Santos, modeled after Los Angeles, with all variants of the urban landscape preserved: skyscrapers, high-rise buildings, business and shopping centers, industrial buildings, middle-class homes, slums, and dens.
You can move around the vast game world on foot, using more than a hundred cars and wheeled vehicles, on a personal helicopter, airplane, and yacht. You can swim underwater, exploring the ocean floor, which is as detailed as the rest of the game world. Numerous Easter eggs and references should stimulate the exploration of San Andreas.
1) Michael — a former bank robber forced to return to crime due to family problems and debts. He suffers from alcoholism, ignores his past and present life, runs from problems, and tries to fix his psyche with the help of a psychotherapist;
2) Franklin — at the beginning of the game, a petty criminal and car thief. Later, an ambitious black gangster who rises in the criminal world and lives a luxurious life. A defining character in the game's ending;
3) Trevor: trained as a military pilot but was discharged due to mental instability. He used to rob banks with Michael but went into hiding after a failed robbery. An anarchist, drug addict, and alcoholic used to partying to the end, often finding himself in unknown places. He has many enemies to deal with during the game.
Each of the trio has their own well-thought-out story, motivation, and life goals. Despite their forced alliance, they come together to pull off daring heists without sharing with other gangs or the police. You can switch between them at any moment, and sometimes it can be amusing since the characters live their own lives.
The narrative is in the spirit of Rockstar: characters visit seedy places, strip clubs, and gang hideouts, engage in foul language and swearing, and meticulously plan their actions: there will be many heists, murders, and showdowns. The plot does not follow the template of AAA action movies due to unexpected twists, victories and defeats, coincidences, and rivalries with other gangsters. The government and private military companies constantly interfere in the narrative, confusing the heroes and seriously complicating their lives.
The relationships between the characters and their personal problems run like a red thread through the story, which, after long development, reaches a climax, and the player decides who among the trio will live and who will die. The ability to switch between characters enhances the immersion effect. In general, it's hard to find a player who will be dissatisfied with the storyline of GTA 5 after completing it.
In addition to the main gameplay features, GTA 5 implements a maximum of ideas for single-player entertainment. You can race in the city in racing cars or off-road in monster trucks, engage in photo hunting, drive a taxi, eat mushrooms, dress in the latest fashion, hire expensive or cheap prostitutes, vandalize, destroy equipment, play the stock market, buy everything in sight, clean up after a dog, and much more.
The best choice for single-player mode is simply exploring the world and walking around the surroundings. In such moments, anything can happen due to random circumstances, unexpected decisions by NPCs, and the amusing physics model of cars, shooting, and explosions. Thousands of small objects in the game have a physical profile, adding realism. In general, everything is done for quick immersion of the player into the thick of events.
GTA Online is the multiplayer online mode of GTA 5, which includes almost all the missions from the single-player mode, as well as numerous mind-blowing competitions designed for 12-28 players. With the "Smugglers" update, GTA Online introduced its own "battle royale." The multiplayer uses the same game world, graphics, and physics model as GTA 5.
Character and Storyline in GTA Online
The player can create a female or male character who will be a newcomer without fame or money in Los Santos. From the start, many items are available to set a style for the character, but more content opens up later, allowing for maximum individuality.
Formally, the events of GTA Online take place six months before the storyline of GTA 5, but there are some inconsistencies. It is recommended to complete the campaign to know the secondary characters who will give missions or trade with the player in multiplayer. Приятные мелочи, вроде тенниса, гольфа или походов в казино и по бабам, сохранились.
Со временем вы сможете встречаться с другими игроками на своей жилплощади или ходить в гости к ним, чтобы развлекаться и обсуждать планы своей криминальной деятельности. Начиная с определенного уровня можно основать свою бандитскую группу. Тогда игрок станет боссом и сможет нанимать других игроков для защиты себя любимого или выполнения других заданий. Организация — это игра в игре, со своими заданиями и операциями.
Режимы многопользовательской игры
Как и в любом сетевом проекте, целью игрока в GTA Online будет прокачка: покупка квартир и домов, машин и яхт, оружия и амуниции, а также разблокирование всякой всячины, вроде одежды, татуировок или причесок. Для этого потребуется зарабатывать очки репутации и деньги. Первые можно получить за убийства, победы в соревнованиях-стычках с другими игроками, выполненные задания, побеги от полиции и прочее. С деньгами заметно тяжелее, поскольку заработать их существенно труднее.
Небольшие деньги можно получить, воюя с окружением: угоняя и продавая автомобили, грабя магазины и занимаясь прочей мелочевкой. Кстати, вас тоже могут ограбить, будьте осторожны. Настоящие деньги водятся, если игрок побеждает в многопользовательских соревнованиях а-ля десматч, гонках, операциях, выполняя поручения боссов или же получая с зависимых игроков долю. Все миссии происходят на земле, в воздухе и на воде, часто используется оружие. Каждый сетевой режим имеет собственные фишки, так что внимательно читайте описание.
Перечислим основные режимы, доступные на начало 2018 года:
· «десматч»: одиночный или командный матч, победитель определяется по очкам;традиционные гонки и ралли (вы ведете, а штурман сообщает куда ехать);· «захват» и «захват с удержанием»: нужно принести несколько или один ценный объект на свою базу;· «удержание»: найти или отнять ценные объекты, у кого под конец матча их больше, тот и победил;· во время «рейда» надо прокрасться или пробиться на базу врагов, захватить ценный объект и принести его на свою базу, потом стороны меняются местами;· в «ограблении» нужно спланировать и осуществить с другими игроками кражу полезного груза, ну или побег из тюрьмы.· выбрав «захват территории» придется вышибить противников в их базы и всех уничтожить, но сопротивление будет серьезным.· режим «войны моторов» — аллюзия на PuBG, в котором до четырех команд или 28 игроков сбрасываются на карту, должны найти тачку и прокачать её с помощью оружия и брони, чтобы потом разорвать соперников.
Повышая свой уровень, получая больше очков репутации и имея достаточно денег, игроки открывают более интересные, сложные и масштабные задания.