Trainer (+22) [1.0.811]
Options Alt+Num 1 – God Mode. Alt+Num 2 – Infinite Health. Alt+Num 3 – Infinite Armor. Alt+Num 4 – Infinite Special Ability. Alt+Num 5 – Infinite Stamina. Alt+Num 6 – Infinite Oxygen. Alt+Num 7 – Infinite Ammo & Grenades. Alt+Num 8 – ...
Trainer (+25)
Functions and commands: God Mode. Unlimited Health. Refill Health. Max Health. Unlimited Breath. Unlimited Stamina. Stamina Regeneration Rate. Max Stamina. Refill Stamina. Unlimited Special Ability. Never Detected by Police. 5 ...
Trainer (+12) [1.0.1868.1 - 1.0.3407.0]
Functions and commands: Numpad 0 – infinite health; Numpad 1 – infinite armor; Numpad 2 – endless breath; Numpad 3 – endless ammo; Numpad 4 – no cooldown; Numpad 5 – infinite special ability; Numpad 6 – zero wanted level ...
Trainer (+17) [12.12.2024]
Trainer creation/update date: 12/12/2024. Trainer language: English. Number of functions: 17. Functions and commands: God Mode - God mode; Unlimited Health - unlimited health; Unlimited Stamina - unlimited stamina; Unlimited Breath - ...
Trainer (+19) [1.0 - 1.69]
Functions and commands: Alt+Num 1 : infinite health; Alt+Num 2 : infinite vehicle durability; Alt+Num 3 : the stun gun has a fast recharge; Alt+Num 4 : unlimited ammo and grenades; Alt+Num 5 : no cooldown; Alt+Num 6 : unlimited st ...
Trainer (+17) from 06/25/2024 [WeMod]
Trainer creation/update date: 06/25/2024. Trainer language: English. Number of functions: 17. Functions and commands: God Mode - god mode; Unlimited Health - unlimited health; Unlimited Stamina - unlimited stamina; Unlimited Breath - unlimi ...
Script Hook V + Native Trainer [v1.0.3179.0]
Multiplayer: ScriptHook closes the game when the player goes online, this is because the game reports the installed list of all mods to Rockstar Games while online. Trainer for story game only - do not cheat online, otherwise you will be banned! In ...
Trainer (+17) from 03/08/2024 [WeMod]
Trainer creation/update date: 03/08/2024 Trainer language: English Number of functions: 17 During the gameplay, click on the desired hotkeys (which can be edited) and get the desired result. Activation of functions with the mouse is only available ...
Trainer (+20) [1.0.1868.0 - 1.0.3095.0]
Edition : Steam; Trainer language : English; Number of functions : 20; Trainer creation date : 02/14/2024. Functions : Insert - activate; Numpad 0 - immortality; Numpad 1 - unlimited armor; Numpad 2 - unlimited oxygen; Numpa ...
Trainer (+17) from 02/12/2024 [WeMod]
Trainer creation/update date: 02/12/2024 Trainer language: English Number of functions: 17 During the gameplay, click on the desired hotkeys (which can be edited) and get the desired result. Activation of functions with the mouse is only available ...
Trainer (+19) [1.0 - 1.0.3095.0]
Edition : Steam; Trainer language : English/Chinese; Number of functions : 19; Trainer creation date : 12/25/2023. Functions : Alt+Num 1 : infinite health; Alt+Num 2 : infinite vehicle durability; Alt+Num 3 : the stun gun has a fast ...
Trainer (+12) [1.0.1868.1 - 1.0.3095.0]
Edition : Steam; Trainer language : English; Number of functions : 12; Trainer creation date : 12/18/2023. Functions : Numpad 1: infinite health; Numpad 2: unlimited armor; Numpad 3: unlimited ammunition; Numpad 4: no reload; ...
Trainer (+17) from 12/13/2023 [WeMod]
Trainer creation/update date: 12/13/2023 Trainer language: English Number of functions: 17 During the gameplay, click on the desired hotkeys (which can be edited) and get the desired result. Activation of functions with the mouse is only available ...
Trainer (+12) [1.0.1868.1 - 1.0.3028.0]
Edition : Steam; Trainer language : English; Number of functions : 12; Trainer creation date : 11/23/2023. Functions : Numpad 1: Infinite Health - endless health; Numpad 2: Infinite Armor - unlimited armor; Numpad 3: Unlimited Amm ...
Trainer (+19) [1.0 - 1.0.2944.0]
Edition : Steam; Trainer language : English/Chinese; Number of functions : 19; Trainer creation date : 06.27.2023. Functions : Alt+Num 1 : endless health; Alt+Num 2 : infinite transport durability; Alt+Num 3 : the stun gun has a quic ...