The Lost Crown: A Ghost-Hunting Adventure is a third-person adventure with horror and puzzle elements from the developers of Darkling Room. The game...
Game released (USA): March 4, 2008 → PlayStation 2
WWE Smackdown! vs. Raw Superstar Series is a sports game with a third-person view from developers from Yuke's Co. studio. Ltd.. The game is published...
Star Luster is a first-person arcade game with simulator, action and shooter elements from the developers of Namco Limited. The game is published by...
Imagine: Figure Skater is a third-person simulator with a mixture of action and sports game from developers from the studio Spike Co., Ltd.. The main...
Metroid is the heroine, Samus Aran is a galactic bounty hunter. She wears an exceptionally powerful and adaptable exoskeleton created by the ancient...
Game released (USA, Canada): March 4, 2008 → PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PSP
MLB 08: The Show is a first-person baseball simulator with a sports game twist from the developers of SCE Studios San Diego. The game is published by...