Burai: Hachigyoku no Yuushi Densetsu is an isometric RPG with action elements, anime/manga and fantasy games from Pandora Box and Riverhillsoft. The...
Valis 4 is a third-person action game with platformer, anime or manga and fantasy elements from the developers of the Shin-Nihon Laser Soft Co., Ltd...
Sol-Feace is a third-person action game with shooter elements from developers from the Wolf Team studio. The main publisher of the game is Wolf Team...
Taiheiki (1991) is a top-down strategy game with elements of a historical game from the developers from the studio Intec Inc.. The game is published...
Mother Goose: Hidden Pictures is an adventure with a mixture of educational game and puzzle from the developers of the AIM Kidspace Group studio. The...
Game released (Netherlands, United Kingdom, USA): 1991 → CD-i
ABC Sports Presents: The Palm Springs Open is a third-person sports game from the masters of Fathom Pictures, Inc.. The game is published by Philips...