A fan-made first-person shooter inspired by the adventures of Master Chief from the Halo series. The game recreates the same multiplayer with unique...
Orphan Age is a management strategy adventure set in a sci-fi setting where you take care of orphans in a civil war. Each of these children is unique...
Sui Generis is an action RPG with an isometric camera view set in an open fantasy world. In a treacherous world with a tormented history, the meager...
A dynamic bloody slasher with sexy girls, katanas and hordes of zombies. Players try to survive among hordes of zombies, thinking through combos and...
The Way of Wrath is an adventure RPG with turn-based combat and an isometric camera view where decisions made will have consequences. In the game you...
What Lives Below is a first-person action-adventure game about sea monster hunters. In the game, a lone fisherman will have to face giant underwater...
A detective adventure set in a gloomy Russian province at the beginning of the 20th century. As a messenger, the player needs to deliver an important...
A dynamic game about a skateboarder. The main character trains, performs tricks and combos to strengthen his attacks and defeat all the monsters. You...
Direct sequel to Citizen Sleeper. The main character is a sleeper, a digitized human consciousness in an artificial body owned by a corporation that...
An isometric action movie based on Disney's Tron from the creators of Thomas Was Alone and Subsurface Circular. The main character is a girl-program...
A sci-fi game set in a military research laboratory where an experiment went wrong. The main character, a former special forces soldier, must find a...