Merry Go Round is a first-person adventure with an anime/manga twist, an adult game, and a visual novel from Mischief. The main publisher of the game...
Dragon Lore: The Legend Begins is a first-person adventure with fantasy game elements from the developers of Cryo Interactive Entertainment. The game...
2 Shot Diary 2: Memory 4/4 is a first-person adventure with elements of an anime or manga game, an adult game and a visual novel from developers from...
Kousoku Chojin is a first-person adventure with elements of an anime/manga game, an adult game and a visual novel from the masters at Foster Studios...
Wrestle Angels V3 is a first-person simulator with elements of a business simulator, a sports game and an anime or manga game from the developers of...
Ura Mansion Hakkin is a first-person adventure with an anime/manga twist, an adult game, and a visual novel from Studio Illusion. The main publisher...
Legend of Heroes 4: Akai Shizuku is a top-down role-playing game with an admixture of anime/manga and fantasy games from developers from Nihon Falcom...
Oh! Kitsune-sama is a first-person adventure with an anime/manga twist, an adult game, and a visual novel from developers Curott. The main publisher...
Grounseed is a first-person role-playing game with an anime/manga/fantasy twist from the developers at Studio Twinkle. The game is published by Exit...
Kurayami is a first-person adventure with elements of an anime/manga game, an adult game and a visual novel from Studio Melody. The game is published...
Cherry Jam: Kanojo ga Hadaka ni Kigaetara is a first-person adventure with elements of an anime/manga game, an adult game and a visual novel from the...