Princess Nightmare is an anime/manga and visual novel adventure game from Karin Entertainment. The game is published by Karin Entertainment. In some...
Ride! (2008) is a third-person simulator with elements of a sports game from the developers of Dancing Dots Studio. The game is published by Frogster...
Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar is a multiplayer action role-playing game with a third-person view in the fantasy universe of The Lord of...
Pocket Tanks: Fuzz Expansion Pack is an action game with elements of strategy and a tank simulator from the masters from the Blitwise Productions LLC...
TrackMania United is a first-person racing game with a mixture of puzzle, sports and sandbox from the developers of Nadeo SAS. The main publisher of...
Magic Academy is a first-person adventure with puzzle and fantasy elements from the masters of NevoSoft and Positive Games. The game is published by...
American Conquest Anthology is an isometric simulator with a dash of strategy and historical gaming from the masters at GSC Game World and Revolution...
Stacked with Daniel Negreanu is a third-person strategy game with elements of a card game and a casino game from the masters at 5000ft Inc.. The game...
Post-apocalyptic shooter with role-playing elements and first-person view. The events take place in an alternative universe, where on April 12, 2006...